What to eat during exams?

Dear Parents,

Exam time is invariably a period filled with energy draining hours of studying, last minute memorizing episodes, sleepless nights and irregular eating. As parents we must focus on the diet that we give to kids during these stressful times. A proper food planning can help your kids to enhance their performance several times. Some tips to follow:

Eating rice is not bad

If you are a fan of eating rice in your daily diet but hear someone at the back yelling ” Please…don’t”. Then this article is for you and do share it with person who told you this.

Rice is one of the oldest cereal eaten by people since 2500 BC* and the second largest staple food only after wheat.

A Food called Liquid Gold or Honey!

Honey is the product of hard honest work done endlessly by a bevy of bees over a period of time; it is the end-product of hours spent in harvesting the sweet nectar from flowers and then processing them in the beehives to produce liquid gold that is so healthy and nutritious and takes years to spoil.

10 ways to make your child a happy eater

Hello !

Is your child a happy eater or an unhappy eater? Picky eaters are not born, they are made. This can make eating as an unhealthy and unhappy as a process When the issue is not address in the formative years of 2-12 years of a kid’s life,it may lead to many issues including obesity,attention disorders and depression eating disorders when kids grow up into teen. During one of my nutrition lectures I had asked a class of students ”Do your mother let you eat whatever she cooks at home?”And pat came a reply from a girl “Let us?”she roared “ she makes us eat!”.

Immunity Boosting Foods

Looking to fight off the infections spreading around in the office or your kids’ school? Well, then, take the first step to boost your family’s immunity by first stopping by at your grocery store! Your diet plays a major part in strengthening your immune system and feeding your body the right foods is where it all begins.

Healthy Food Tips for Diwali

Diwali is indeed a season full of joy, happiness and festivities. Don’t spoil with guilt and fear of tasting amazing varieties of food .Festivals are meant to break the monotony of our lives. Indian food wisdom has never promoted bad health .Our food culture is infused with brilliant food ideas that allows us to indulge in these goodies without affecting our basic health. Rather,it is the drastic life style and food style changes that has brought us to think that such festive snacking leads to health issues.

Ginger Coffee

There is a reason why our ancestors in India lived long, healthy lives. The secret to their health was that they used medicines as part of their everyday food. The ginger coffee is one such beverage and is traditional to southern India. Traditionally known as Sukku Kappi or Chukku Kappi, this herbal decoction is taken hot to cure a number of ailments as well as to soothe the mind and stomach after a long day. It’s also great on a cold wet morning to add a nice warm glow to the insides!

Skincare with Sandalwood

History of sandalwood:
The sandalwood tree, its paste and oil, is considerd to be a very sacred tree and is known as the sage and other ordinary trees are like ignorant men in front of it. Popularly known as chandan, sandalwood, Has an extraordinary fragrance and is commonly used in making incense and in religious ceremonies. The paste is smeared on the foreheads of worshipers of vishnu and shiva, which is meant to protect the AGNA CHAKRA present between the eyebrows.

A note on Karkitaka kanji koottu

In the month of aadi/ karkataka/pre-monsoon and monsoon, all the body balancing humors get vitiated, resulting in metabolic deviations in every susceptible cell of a living body. The climatic changes, (whether it rains or not) affects all the living beings including humans, animals and plants. It is very much apparent from the illness scores presenting during the season- starting from a mild stomach upset to the severest of disorders. It’s seen there are new disease outbreaks along with the recurring episodes of dormant chronic diseases making the person troubled.

A note on Karkitaka kanji koottu

Skin goes through its worst time when you are a teenager and once you cross 50

Skin goes through its worst time when you are a teenager and once you cross 50. That’s when the hormonal changes happen in our bodies .. During the starting and ending of the menstrual cycle.

These are the two time frames when a girl goes through major changes, it first shows up on the skin and hair. Both the times, a woman needs to pay attention and look after herself.

Androgens are hormones that make the skin produce more oil. Our bodies usually produce more of these hormones during the teenage years, and a few days before a menstrual period.

The changes that happen in a girl once she hits puberty is drastic and through her teenage years, if she doesn’t look after herself, the results are not pleasant.

Pimples, acne, open pores and scars and dark spots left behind, will forever be a problem to deal with.

This is the time to start looking after yourself. Absolutely NO facials and other skin related treatments. One only has to follow the basic skin care regime.

First of all, understand your skin type. you need a daily skin care routine.. That should comprise of cleansing, toning and moisturising using products that’s meant for your skin type.

If you already have acne, laying off dairy and refined carbs might be a good idea. Milk contains hormones that trigger oil production while refined carbs like white bread, pasta, and chips fuel inflammation – which can make your spots worse.

Keeping your skin clean is important so wash the face gently 2 to 3 times a day with a natural soap or non-soap cleanser and warm water. Use a soft face cloth and pat dry gently.

A gentle shower every day will also help to remove excess oil.

It is vital that you do not pick, scratch, rub or scrub your skin especially if there are any whiteheads or other pimples because this can spread.

If you have to use make up, then make sure it is water-based and not oil-based. All make-up should be carefully removed at bedtime.

Do not eat oily food.

Wash your hair 3 times a week and keep off the face as much as possible – avoiding long bangs on the forehead if your skin is inclined to be oily.

Ensuring a strong immune system and a healthy lifestyle will go a long way in preventing black heads, whiteheads or lessening the extent of an acne outbreak.

Regular meals with plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables, eggs and organic meats. Take care to avoid sodas, artificial sweeteners, sugars and refined and processed foods.

Drink at least 8 glasses of water every day to hydrate the skin and get rid of all toxins. A glass of water with a slice of lemon in it will be a natural detox as soon as you wake up in the morning.

Make sure you exercise regularly.

Top up your vitamin D levels and improve your skin and appearance with regular doses of sunlight. If the weather is suitable, try and get some 20 minutes of sunlight every day but if not, consider vitamin D3 supplements.

Acne is sign of unhealthy upkeep of your skin. People with oily skin is prone to acne if they do not look after their skin. Dandruff is the root cause for acne on the face, back, shoulders and chest. So keep your scalp dandruff free and your skin well looked after.

For glowing skin, boil a pan of water with herbs (for oily skin you can make use of thyme, peppermint or lemon; for sensitive and dry skin you can use chamomile or lime; for normal skin you can use rosemary or lavender) and steam your face for about 10/ 15 minutes. Always remember to use a face pack after a steam to close the pores.

The magic of an egg pack.. It’s simple and easy and can be used on alternate days..take one egg white in a bowl, add ½ tsp of malai and ½ tsp of lemon juice. Mix them well and apply on your face, keep it for 15 minutes, rinse with cold water. You can also whip an egg white with honey and apply on the face to tighten the skin. If you have dry skin please skip the lemon.

Healthy skin essentially needs to be clean. Gram flour or the paste of soaked gram mixed with wild turmeric (kasturi manjal) has fantastic cleaning properties.

It not only removes impurities and excess oil form the surface of the skin but also tones and nourishes it. Apply this paste onto your face and neck and let it dry for 15 – 20 minutes. Wash off with water.

*For our daily requirement of vitamin D, exposure to the sun is a must, but sometimes due to excess travel, outside jobs etc one can get exposed excessively to the sun. The ultraviolet rays of the sun do a lot more damage than meets our eye. Sometimes a tan that takes you many shades darker is the result. To remove an unwanted tan use fresh cucumbers for a week. This is the simplest possible way to remove tan because all you need to do is cut slices of the cucumber and rub it on your skin for 5 – 10 minutes, rinse with a cold splash of water

Home Remedies to Remove Dark Skin

Home Remedies to Remove Dark Skin Discolouration ..

To restore an even skin tone and to get rid of skin discoloration around mouth, you may try the following natural homemade remedies.

1. One of the best natural ways to lighten dark around mouth is to stay away from direct sunlight. To prevent darkening of skin around mouth, it is essential to apply sunscreen lotions regularly. The use of a sunscreen with an SPF factor of 30 will protect the skin from the harmful ultraviolet rays of the sun. A sunscreen with titanium, zinc, and avobenzone as ingredients is extremely effective in blocking out UVA and UVB rays.

2. You can apply lemon juice to get rid of darkness around mouth due to melasma. Lemon juice is a natural bleaching agent. Massaging the dark around mouth with the lemon juice is the best home remedy for lightening the dark skin around mouth.

3. If you have dark spots, patches or dry dark areas around mouth, you can use coconut oil and coconut water to lighten those black ring around mouth naturally. Rub coconut oil on the dark pigmentation around mouth every night before going to bed. Wash it off in the morning. Regular application of this home remedy will help you get rid of dark skin around mouth effectively. Coconut water can also be used as a toner as it makes the skin soft and supple. Wash your face with coconut water at least twice a day for lightening the dark ring around moth.

4. Prepare a paste using 1 teaspoon of gram flour, 1 teaspoon of turmeric powder, and 1/2 cup of curd. Apply this skin lightening pack over the dark spots and patches on the upper lip area and leave it on for 20 minutes. Rinse with warm water. Rubbing off this mask carefully when it is completely dry will also help to get rid of dead skin cells that make skin around lips appear dry, dark, and wrinkled.

5. For lightening the dark skin on lips and around mouth, apply a mixture of 3 to 4 drops of lime juice and a grated tomato on the lips and skin around mouth for about 20 minutes and then wash off gently. This home remedy will enhance your darker skin into a fair complexion. You can also apply this pack to dark skin around eyes to get rid of under eye circles.

6. Prepare a mixture of grated cucumber and lime juice. Apply it on the discolored skin around the mouth and leave the treatment for 20 minutes. Rinse with warm water. This is one of the best home remedies for removing skin discoloration around mouth and for getting rid of dry skin and wrinkles around mouth or laugh lines. You can also apply it over the dark skin around the eyes to remove those dreaded dark circles.

7. Take some oatmeal along with curd and tomato juice. Apply this mixture on the dark around moth and leave it for a few minutes and wash it off. This home remedy works well for lightening darkened skin on the upper lip. This home remedy is also effective for getting rid of lip wrinkles naturally.

8. Tanning causes dark ring around the mouth. If you have dark skin patches on face caused due to blemishes or sun tan, you can apply potato juice. Take out potato juice by crushing and squeezing a potato. Apply it on your discolored skin around mouth for 15 minutes. This home remedy is best for removing the tan and making the mouth area fair and blemish-free.

9. A combination of curd, lemon juice, and honey can also prove to be beneficial for lightening the dark pigmentation around mouth and corners. These 3 ingredients have natural bleaching properties to lighten the dark pigmentation around mouth. Take a teaspoon of all the three ingredients and mix it. Apply it over the brown area around the mouth and keep for 20 minutes. You can also apply this homemade mask on your neck to get rid of dark skin around neck.

10. Application of lime juice with turmeric powder can also lighten the dark skin around the mouth. This homemade dark skin treatment reduces dark circles around mouth and gives shine to the mouth area.

11. Coconut oil and walnut powder make good exfoliator for removing dark skin patches from the face. To get rid of the dark skin around lips and mouth, make a paste of coconut oil and crushed walnuts and apply it on your skin around mouth and lips. Massage the scrub gently for a few minutes and rinse with cold water or rose water. This dark skin home remedy lightens, softens, and smoothens the dark and dry skin around mouth.

Applying these simple home remedies will help you get rid of skin discoloration around mouth naturally. These home remedies for removing dark patches around mouth will take some time to show results, but regular use will lead to permanent cure.

Hot oil massage

Hot oil massage

Massage your head with any hair nourishing oil for 15-20 minutes. You can use olive oil, almond oil or coconut oil. You can also mix equal parts of all of them and use it. For people with stubborn flakey dandruff try mustard oil.. It is a strong oil and has a strong odour but it helps sort out dandruff problems.

Heat the oil (don’t bring it to a boil) and massage gently with your fingertips in circular motion.. Do not rub hard with friction.. It will break fine hair at the roots. This massage increases blood circulation and helps increase hair growth.

Dip a towel or cotton cloth ( torthu) in very hot water and twist and squeeze it to remove excess water. Wrap this towel around your head covering all your oiled hair. The steam helps open the pores and It helps oil to penetrate deep inside the scalp and nourishes it. Do the hot towel treatment 3 to 4 times. This step takes at least 15 to 20 minutes.

Now wash your hair with a mild shampoo. Use cold or lukewarm water to wash your hair. Hot water bath causes dandruff, itchy and dry scalp, and weakens hair roots.

When you shampoo your hair do it twice .. Your first shampoo will not lather too much .. Rinse and dilute a squeeze of shampoo with water and work into a good lather..rinse well. After shampooing, apply conditioner on your hair. You can either use homemade conditioner or the product that suits your hair and scalp type. For homemade conditioner, boil tea leaves in water and add lemon juice to it. People keep asking me if lime turns hair grey.. It does not .. You are using this mix as a rinse. Lime is a bleaching agent if rubbed into the skin to remove a tan.. It also dries the skin out but here you are using the mix as a rinse. Use this concoction as a conditioner after shampoo… If you are using a conditioner out of a bottle then apply only on hair.. Do not rub into your scalp.. Use a broad brush and brush out your hair.. Spreading the conditioner evenly throughout the hair.. Twist and secure with a clip.. The conditioner should stay on your hair for 4 to 5 mins while you have a body bath… Rinse out completely.

This is all the oil your scalp and hair needs. It’s useless to apply oil after a bath.. Other than collecting all the dirt in the atmosphere and dirtying your pillow case at night it is doing no good for you. Remember oil stained pillow covers are the root cause for pimples on the face.

Healthy skin essentially needs to be clean

*Healthy skin essentially needs to be clean. Gram flour or the paste of soaked gram mixed with wild turmeric (kasturi manjal) has fantastic cleaning properties.

It not only removes impurities and excess oil form the surface of the skin but also tones and nourishes it. Apply this paste onto your face and neck and let it dry for 15 – 20 minutes. Wash off with water.

*For our daily requirement of vitamin D, exposure to the sun is a must, but sometimes due to excess travel, outside jobs etc one can get exposed excessively to the sun. The ultraviolet rays of the sun do a lot more damage than meets our eye. Sometimes a tan that takes you many shades darker is the result. To remove an unwanted tan use fresh cucumbers for a week. This is the simplest possible way to remove tan because all you need to do is cut slices of the cucumber and rub it on your skin for 5 – 10 minutes, rinse with a cold splash of water.

*Neem is known for its anti-bacterial and antiseptic properties. The leaves are used as disinfectants, it keeps acne and pimples at bay it also irradiates skin rashes and allergies. Make a paste of fresh or dried neem leaves and apply it on your acne and pimple affected areas. Leave it to dry for 15 minutes and then wash off with plain water. Do this every alternate day for 2 weeks.

*If you have the problem of puffed eyes, you can use green tea for curing it. Prepare green tea as usual. Let it become cold. Freeze it in a refrigerator in an ice-cube tray. Once frozen, use cubes to rub on the face, on eyes and areas that have puffed up. Don’t throw away the tea bags.. Put that in the fridge and use as eye pads to help reduce puffy eyes.

Healthy skin essentially needs to be clean

*Healthy skin essentially needs to be clean. Gram flour or the paste of soaked gram mixed with wild turmeric (kasturi manjal) has fantastic cleaning properties.

It not only removes impurities and excess oil form the surface of the skin but also tones and nourishes it. Apply this paste onto your face and neck and let it dry for 15 – 20 minutes. Wash off with water.

*For our daily requirement of vitamin D, exposure to the sun is a must, but sometimes due to excess travel, outside jobs etc one can get exposed excessively to the sun. The ultraviolet rays of the sun do a lot more damage than meets our eye. Sometimes a tan that takes you many shades darker is the result. To remove an unwanted tan use fresh cucumbers for a week. This is the simplest possible way to remove tan because all you need to do is cut slices of the cucumber and rub it on your skin for 5 – 10 minutes, rinse with a cold splash of water.

*Neem is known for its anti-bacterial and antiseptic properties. The leaves are used as disinfectants, it keeps acne and pimples at bay it also irradiates skin rashes and allergies. Make a paste of fresh or dried neem leaves and apply it on your acne and pimple affected areas. Leave it to dry for 15 minutes and then wash off with plain water. Do this every alternate day for 2 weeks.

*If you have the problem of puffed eyes, you can use green tea for curing it. Prepare green tea as usual. Let it become cold. Freeze it in a refrigerator in an ice-cube tray. Once frozen, use cubes to rub on the face, on eyes and areas that have puffed up. Don’t throw away the tea bags.. Put that in the fridge and use as eye pads to help reduce puffy eyes.

A beautiful you…

A beautiful you… Happens when you groom yourself from head to toe. People with skin, scalp and hair problems need to address that first.

Here are some quick fixes…

Under eye dark circles..To get rid off dark circles, one must delicately massage a few drops of coconut oil around the eyes. Do this every night before you sleep.

To keep your hair and scalp healthy ..make and use this hair mask at home… I cup fresh coconut milk mix in the pulp of 1 long leaf of aloe vera and 3 tablespoons of coconut oil… Mix all 3 ingredients well and take sections of hair and massage this mix in well.. After applying to the full head, leave on for 30 minutes and wash off.

For glowing skin, boil a pan of water with herbs (for oily skin you can make use of thyme, peppermint or lemon; for sensitive and dry skin you can use chamomile or lime; for normal skin you can use rosemary or lavender) and steam your face for about 10/ 15 minutes. Always remember to use a face pack after a steam to close the pores.

For soft and rosy beautiful lips, massage your lips with coriander leaf juice .. If your lips are chapped then mix a few drops of lemon juice with a teaspoon of coconut oil and powdered sugar.. Use this mix to exfoliate the dry skin.. Rub gently and rinse off. Use Vaseline to keep lips moist.

The magic of an egg pack.. It’s simple and easy and can be used on alternate days..take one egg white in a bowl, add ½ tsp of malai and ½ tsp of lemon juice. Mix them well and apply on your face, keep it for 15 minutes, rinse with cold water. You can also whip an egg white with honey and apply on the face to tighten the skin.

A lot of people are suffering from hair loss problems.. I have a homemade beauty recipe for solving your problem. Take 3 tsp of potato juice,3 tsp of aloe vera juice and 2 tsp of honey. Apply that mixture to the roots of the hair.Leave it for 2 hrs.Wash of with your regular shampoo. For best result, do it twice in a week.

You need to realize that protecting your skin, hair and scalp from further damage is important. Otherwise, all your attempts will be of no use as you will keep sustaining damage and you will keep wondering why none of the treatments are showing any results. The trick is to keep treating yourself to home made remedies for a long period and not give up easily.. Be regular with your self grooming and the results are amazing .

A beautiful you…

A beautiful you… Happens when you groom yourself from head to toe. People with skin, scalp and hair problems need to address that first.

Here are some quick fixes…

Under eye dark circles..To get rid off dark circles, one must delicately massage a few drops of coconut oil around the eyes. Do this every night before you sleep.

To keep your hair and scalp healthy ..make and use this hair mask at home… I cup fresh coconut milk mix in the pulp of 1 long leaf of aloe vera and 3 tablespoons of coconut oil… Mix all 3 ingredients well and take sections of hair and massage this mix in well.. After applying to the full head, leave on for 30 minutes and wash off.

For glowing skin, boil a pan of water with herbs (for oily skin you can make use of thyme, peppermint or lemon; for sensitive and dry skin you can use chamomile or lime; for normal skin you can use rosemary or lavender) and steam your face for about 10/ 15 minutes. Always remember to use a face pack after a steam to close the pores.

For soft and rosy beautiful lips, massage your lips with coriander leaf juice .. If your lips are chapped then mix a few drops of lemon juice with a teaspoon of coconut oil and powdered sugar.. Use this mix to exfoliate the dry skin.. Rub gently and rinse off. Use Vaseline to keep lips moist.

The magic of an egg pack.. It’s simple and easy and can be used on alternate days..take one egg white in a bowl, add ½ tsp of malai and ½ tsp of lemon juice. Mix them well and apply on your face, keep it for 15 minutes, rinse with cold water. You can also whip an egg white with honey and apply on the face to tighten the skin.

A lot of people are suffering from hair loss problems.. I have a homemade beauty recipe for solving your problem. Take 3 tsp of potato juice,3 tsp of aloe vera juice and 2 tsp of honey. Apply that mixture to the roots of the hair.Leave it for 2 hrs.Wash of with your regular shampoo. For best result, do it twice in a week.

You need to realize that protecting your skin, hair and scalp from further damage is important. Otherwise, all your attempts will be of no use as you will keep sustaining damage and you will keep wondering why none of the treatments are showing any results. The trick is to keep treating yourself to home made remedies for a long period and not give up easily.. Be regular with your self grooming and the results are amazing .

It is said that the water from draining cooked rice can be used to wash your face

It is said that the water from draining cooked rice can be used to wash your face, because some of the nutrients it contains help resolve the oil balance of the skin.

Also, some believe water that’s used to wash the rice is good for the skin… Wash the rice until the water turns milky and then drain it out. Wash again, and use the second water to wash your face. It makes skin smoother, and rice is a daily food in India.

Sandalwood in powder or paste form…You mix this with any liquid—water, milk, yogurt, or rose water—for a quick cooling mask. It clears out and closes pores and soothes inflamed skin.

Turmeric…It not only has amazing healing properties, but it’s a great beauty product. I’ve discovered this DIY ( do it yourself) turmeric face mask: Mix channa flour, turmeric, honey, and milk to make a paste; apply it in a thin layer to your face; let dry for 20 minutes and rinse in the shower.

An ancient Ayurvedic ritual dating back over 3,000 years, is ‘oil pulling’, it involves placing a tablespoon of extra virgin organic cold pressed oil coconut oil or sesame or olive oil is fine too..into your mouth and then swishing it around for up to 20 minutes, minimum 5 minutes (pulling it between your teeth), before spitting it out. Whatever you do, do not swallow the oil as you will ingest the toxins you are trying to pull out. Afterwards requires brushing your teeth with an all-natural fluoride-free toothpaste, and rinsing your mouth out.

Removing toxins from the body that would otherwise make it into the bloodstream means the skin has a chance to shine. Rashes and skin issues often reduce dramatically, or even clear up completely, with oil pulling.

I did some research and found other possible benefits of oil pulling for oral health include:

Overall strengthening of the teeth and gums and jaws
Prevention of diseases of the gums and mouth, such as cavities and gingivitis
Prevention for bad breath
Potential holistic remedy for bleeding gums
Prevention of dryness of the lips, mouth and throat
Possible holistic treatment for TMJ and general soreness in the jaw area
And the benefits Beyond the Mouth?

Ancient Ayurvedic health practitioners believed that oil pulling could reduce more than just diseases of the mouth and throat. Today, many holistic practitioners tout its use for a variety of health concerns.

Other possible benefits of oil pulling for overall health include:

Migraine headache relief
Correcting hormone imbalances
Reducing inflammation of arthritis
May help with gastro-enteritis
Aids in the reduction of eczema
May reduce symptoms of bronchitis
Helps support normal kidney function
May help reduce sinus congestion
Some people report improved vision
Helps reduce insomnia
Reduced hangover after alcohol consumption
Aids in reducing pain
Reduces the symptoms of allergies
Helps detoxify the body of harmful metals and organisms

Your hair is a vital beauty asset, requiring constant loving care. And with a little nurturing, lush, glossy hair will be all yours.

Conditioner is a must for hair with problems and coarse hair. Its not a cleansing product, it conditions hair not the scalp so donot use it directly on the scalp area. Run conditioner through your hair from base to tip , comb through it with a wide tooth comb and leave it on for 3 to 4 mins. Rinse off toroughly with luke warm water and wind up with a splash of cold water.

Pick up a shampoo and conditioner meant for your hair type. If your hair is treated with a chemical treatment pick up a shampoo and conditioner meant for treated hair, like wise if your hair is curly or rough use the product specifically meant for your hair texture. Then there are people who would only like to use natural products…try these home remedies. Mix 1 egg, 2 tbs castor oil, 1 tsp vinegar and 1 tsp glycerine. Beat until frothy and massage lightly into your hair. Wrap your head in a hot towel, steam, then wash off. This conditioner makes hair thicker, shiny, soft and manageable.

Honey Conditioner: Beat 1-2 eggs (depending on the length of the hair), 1 tsp honey and 2 tsp olive oil. Massage gently into the scalp. Steam, and shampoo after an hour.

Alcohol Conditioner: Beat 1-2 eggs with 2 tsp brandy. Massage into your scalp. Leave for 10-15 mins. Rinse well. The egg nourishes your hair and brandy stimulates hair growth.

Remember egg stinks … So I d suggest using just the egg white.

How to Choose the Right Lipstick for You

How to Choose the Right Lipstick for You

With its endless palette of lipsticks, glosses, and stains, the makeup counter can be pretty overwhelming. This article will teach you how to choose the right lip color to match your skin tone, outfit, and the occasion.


Find a color that is one to two shades deeper than your natural lips.


Experiment with shades of pink and red. Pink and red look good on all skin tones, and works with most outfits and hairstyles.


Keep it subtle. During the day, the idea is to look as though you’re not wearing much makeup, unless of course you are attending a special event like a wedding.

For fair skin: coral reds or dark reds with pink undertones.

For medium or olive skin: pink and cranberry shades, and brick reds.

For dark skin: reds with burgundy or brown tones.

Try the lipstick on before you buy it. The colour on the box or container can often be deceitful.

Remove one lip colour completely before trying on the next. Otherwise, you will be mixing multiple colours together. Ask a sales rep for makeup remover or lotion.

Make sure you are in a well-lit area.

Try on lipstick with little or no other makeup on your face.Other makeup can be distracting and prevent you from judging the lipstick itself.

Ask for help at the makeup counter. Sometimes it’s hard to objectively judge what looks best on ourselves. A professional at the makeup counter can match you with the right colour.

Don’t match a lip colour too closely with your clothing. For example, if you are wearing a fire-engine red dress, wearing the same exact colour on your lips will look overwhelming.

Go for dramatic lips or eyes; not both.

Stick to just mascara on the eyes, or just a bit of dark brown eyeliner in between your lashes.
When wearing a smoky eye, opt for a nude or light pink lip.

Your hair is a vital beauty asset

Your hair is a vital beauty asset, requiring constant loving care. And with a little nurturing, lush, glossy hair will be all yours.

Conditioner is a must for hair with problems and coarse hair. Its not a cleansing product, it conditions hair not the scalp so donot use it directly on the scalp area. Run conditioner through your hair from base to tip , comb through it with a wide tooth comb and leave it on for 3 to 4 mins. Rinse off toroughly with luke warm water and wind up with a splash of cold water.

Pick up a shampoo and conditioner meant for your hair type. If your hair is treated with a chemical treatment pick up a shampoo and conditioner meant for treated hair, like wise if your hair is curly or rough use the product specifically meant for your hair texture. Then there are people who would only like to use natural products…try these home remedies. Mix 1 egg, 2 tbs castor oil, 1 tsp vinegar and 1 tsp glycerine. Beat until frothy and massage lightly into your hair. Wrap your head in a hot towel, steam, then wash off. This conditioner makes hair thicker, shiny, soft and manageable.

Honey Conditioner: Beat 1-2 eggs (depending on the length of the hair), 1 tsp honey and 2 tsp olive oil. Massage gently into the scalp. Steam, and shampoo after an hour.

Alcohol Conditioner: Beat 1-2 eggs with 2 tsp brandy. Massage into your scalp. Leave for 10-15 mins. Rinse well. The egg nourishes your hair and brandy stimulates hair growth.

Remember egg stinks … So I d suggest using just the egg white…

Everyone is looking for easy to do styles one can achieve by oneself at home instead of running to a salon…

Get waves and curls in straight hair using this no heat approach that will have you waking up with bouncy curls come morning. Start by misting the hair with water, but if your hair is poker straight then use a light setting hair spray. Then, working on one-inch sections, roll the hair around your fingers up to the root. Pin in place using tic tac clips so it doesn’t pull and cause breakage while you sleep. In the morning remove clips and shake out the curls.

Another way to get curls at home .. Spray hair with a light hold hair spray if you want the curls to last longer. Working on one-inch sections, take a strip of cloth and lay it perpendicular to the strand of hair. Roll the hair over it again and again until it reaches the root. Tie the strip and repeat around the head. In the morning, untie the strips and shake out your hair. You’ll love your instantly voluminous waves.

This can be done on children as well without using any product.

I tell a lot of clients how to do a good hot oil massage at home..thought I should share it with you as well.. Once a week is a must.. And this goes for both men and women..

Massage your head with any hair nourishing oil for 15-20 minutes. You can use olive oil, almond oil or coconut oil. You can also mix equal parts of all of them and use it. For people with stubborn flakey dandruff try mustard oil.. It is a strong oil and has a strong odour but it helps sort out dandruff problems.

Heat the oil (don’t bring it to a boil) and massage gently with your fingertips in circular motion.. Do not rub hard with friction.. It will break fine hair at the roots. This massage increases blood circulation and helps increase hair growth.

Dip a towel or cotton cloth ( torthu) in very hot water and twist and squeeze it to remove excess water. Wrap this towel around your head covering all your oiled hair. The steam helps open the pores and It helps oil to penetrate deep inside the scalp and nourishes it. Do the hot towel treatment 3 to 4 times. This step takes at least 15 to 20 minutes.

Now wash your hair with a mild shampoo. Use cold or lukewarm water to wash your hair. Hot water bath causes dandruff, itchy and dry scalp, and weakens hair roots.

When you shampoo your hair do it twice .. Your first shampoo will not lather too much .. Rinse and dilute a squeeze of shampoo with water and work into a good lather..rinse well. After shampooing, apply conditioner on your hair. You can either use homemade conditioner or the product that suits your hair and scalp type. For homemade conditioner, boil tea leaves in water and add lemon juice to it. People keep asking me if lime turns hair grey.. It does not .. You are using this mix as a rinse. Lime is a bleaching agent if rubbed into the skin to remove a tan.. It also dries the skin out but here you are using the mix as a rinse. Use this concoction as a conditioner after shampoo… If you are using a conditioner out of a bottle then apply only on hair.. Do not rub into your scalp.. Use a broad brush and brush out your hair.. Spreading the conditioner evenly throughout the hair.. Twist and secure with a clip.. The conditioner should stay on your hair for 4 to 5 mins while you have a body bath… Rinse out completely.

This is all the oil your scalp and hair needs. It’s useless to apply oil after a bath.. Other than collecting all the dirt in the atmosphere and dirtying your pillow case at night it is doing no good for you. Remember oil stained pillow covers are the root cause for pimples on the face.

Once in two weeks you can use a hair mask.. This provides all the required nourishment to your hair. You can buy a hair mask from the market or make it at home as per your needs. There are different homemade hair masks that you can try for the treatment.

Mix one or two eggs according to your hair length with some coconut oil. And apply it as hair mask. Cover the hair with a warm towel for minimum 20 minutes and then wash off with a mild shampoo and conditioner.

Mash a ripe banana, and mix with olive oil, egg, honey, milk. Blend and apply on your hair. Leave it for 20 minutes and wash off.

A mixture of banana, honey, yogurt and olive oil also does wonders to your hair.

Do it once every week or once in 15 days and see the difference. After you apply the hair mask it’s always good to wrap hair in a hot towel.. Leave on for 15/20 mins and wash off with your shampoo and conditioner.

You will definitely get the desired results very soon.

Major reasons for immense hair fall

Major reasons for immense hair fall is…hereditary, thyroid, pcod, pcos, stress, medication, washing your hair too often with only water ( some people wash it everyday and shockingly some twice a day), vitamin D deficiency … amongst others.

The hair starts thinning right on top of the head.. And the crown area. Most reasons, goes for both men and women.. get all your tests done and If it is a health issue, take medication.. If it is vitamin D deficiency .. exposure to the sun, for the right amount of time at the right time of day, is the best source…. If your hair wash routine is as mentioned above please stop and follow the directions I’ve given below.

The right way to shampoo and condition your hair:

Wash your hair two, maximum three times a week to avoid dandruff and hair fall, with products that are meant for your scalp and hair type.

It will help to oil your scalp and hair once or twice a week.. Using coconut, olive or almond oil…

Every time you shampoo your hair apply the shampoo twice..1st shampoo with a squeeze or two onto your palm and massage throughly to clean out scalp.. Rinse well and apply 2nd shampoo, squeeze a little product and dilute shampoo with water in your palm and wash out scalp and hair this time spend more time throughly cleaning out the hair .. (So the 1st time you are concentrating on your scalp and the 2nd time your hair). Rinse well and use conditioner only on the hair and not on the scalp. Comb out with a wide tooth comb or a flat brush.. Use a big butterfly clip and pin your hair away.. Have a body bath and finally rinse out the conditioner after leaving it on for 4 to 5 mins.

Hair Mask

A HAIR MASK is one thing most of us shy away from.. But if your hair is rough, dry, treated with chemicals or damaged then it is a treatment you should indulge in..

Hair masks can easily be made at home .. For best results apply mask from roots to tips .. Wrap a warm thin cotton towel over your head or put on a shower cap and leave on for half an hour and then wash it off.. Using a mild shampoo.

If your hair is treated or damaged you should first use a mild shampoo.. Pat hair dry .. Use the mask, leave on for 15 minutes and then rinse off with lukewarm water.

*Mash 1 ripe banana and add 8 to 10 drops of pure almond oil. Mix very well and massage into your hair.

*Soak fenugreek (methi) seeds in water overnight. Grind into a paste the next day and massage into scalp and hair. Leave on for 20 minutes before washing off… This is a great mask for hair fall and people suffering from dandruff.

*Beat two eggs in 3 to 5 tbsp of the cream you collect from the top of the milk (malai) and apply on hair.

*Beat 1 egg yolk with 1 tablespoon (tbsp) olive oil, 1 tbsp coconut oil and 1 tbsp pure vitamin E oil and 1 tsp honey. Massage on hair thoroughly, paying careful attention to the ends. Wrap head with a hot towel for half an hour. Wash off. Though hair that is already split at the ends needs to be trimmed off, this pack helps prevent further splitting of hair.

*Egg and Yogurt Hair Mask ..This mask improves hair growth and keep hair moisturised, clean and well-conditioned. Its application also controls excessive oil of hair and makes hair soft.

Egg has protein and fats in it and yogurt contains milk fat with lactic acid. Both of these ingredients makes the best hair mask for dry and damaged hairs.

Mix 2 eggs with half cup of yogurt.. Use more yogurt if you have longer hair. Apply from roots to tips.

*If you have dry or damaged hair, honey is the answer to your problems..  honey attracts moisture. It’s also full of antioxidants and nutrients that encourages hair growth. Honey is thick and needs to be mixed in with olive or coconut oil, apple cider vinegar or plain water to dilute it, otherwise you can end up with just a sticky mess.

There are so many things that are good to make masks with.. You can make your own combination as well.. Use bananas, honey, oatmeal, olive oil, coconut oil, eggs, Apple cider vinegar, fenugreek, cream of milk and so much more. Go on try out different permutations and combinations… And you will finally find what works best for you.

Waves in hair

Waves in hair

Get waves and curls in straight hair using this no heat approach that will have you waking up with bouncy curls come morning. Start by misting the hair with water, but if your hair is poker straight then use a light setting hair spray. Then, working on one-inch sections, roll the hair around your fingers up to the root. Pin in place using tic tac clips so it doesn’t pull and cause breakage while you sleep. In the morning remove clips and shake out the curls.

Another way to get curls at home .. Spray hair with a light hold hair spray if you want the curls to last longer. Working on one-inch sections, take a strip of cloth and lay it perpendicular to the strand of hair. Roll the hair over it again and again until it reaches the root. Tie the strip and repeat around the head. In the morning, untie the strips and shake out your hair. You’ll love your instantly voluminous waves.

This can be done on children as well without using any product.

Hair loss and thinning

Hair loss and thinning doesn’t age-discriminate and can affect girls and boys as young as 12 years of age.

One of the common misconception about hair is that it is alive, when in fact hair is nonliving and does not heal itself once it is injured.

Contrary to popular belief, your hair doesn’t need sunlight to grow. The hair follicle is below the surface of the skin and therefore isn’t dependant on sunlight.

Neither a wig nor a hat will interfere with the growth of hair, as hair grows from the follicle. However, any covering on the head may rub against the scalp causing hair breakage.

The common ritual often practiced is pouring water over the head that is harmful.. And causes hair fall from the crown area of the head.  The recommendation is thrice a week.

We are born with about 100,000 hair follicles and they decrease gradually until middle age. So vitamins will help you get a healthy constitution but not a thicker mane.

Only severe traumatic stress has been known to cause a temporary and sudden thinning of hair. Once the stress level is less, in almost all cases, hair growth returns to normal.

Hair grows half-an-inch per month, whether you cut it or not. It has nothing to do with your stylist’s scissors. Everyone has a certain length their hair will grow to and then stop. Even if you don’t cut it for a year, once you have reached your God given length it will not grow any further.. But will develop split, get weak and break. A trim once in 2 months is a must to keep hair from splitting. Curly, dry and treated hair will split faster than straight hair.

People who lose hair may also have dandruff but there seems to be no association between hair loss and dandruff. The problem is once u develop dandruff your scalp starts to itch and constant scratching and rubbing of the scalp will lead to breakage and hair fall.

Feet looking and feeling smooth and crack free

start giving yourself a foot spa at home because your feet get so tired after a hard day at work, or you just need to pamper yourself and keep your feet looking and feeling smooth and crack free.

In a wide basin (not a bucket) pour pretty hot water.. Like it’s difficult to dip my feet in at the beginning but in a minute you find it easy to dip both feet in. put in a handful of rock salt… The commercial salt available is iodized where as the rock salt is pure from nature. It detoxifies your body, also eases stress and body pains. Removes the yellowness under the nails and makes your nails shine beautifully. Constantly painted toenails need this the most.

A hand full of Epsom salt..there are many beauty benefits to Epsom salts, aka magnesium sulfate,  for super soft skin. It also help relieve muscle pain.

A hand full of crushed alum… Soften and smoothens the heels and helps keep it crack free.

Keep your feet soaked till all the three salts and stone melt and your feet are soft with the soak. Use the Pumice stone… This porous rock has been used for centuries as an abrasive beauty aid, the pumice stone is used to remove rough skin, primarily on the heels of your feet, squeeze a little body wash liquid on it and  use it on the heels and pads of my feet, moving in a circular motion with slight pressure, make sure not to make the skin raw, you only want to remove the dead and rough skin. Rinsing your feet off dab it dry on a towel and moisturise and give your feet a good massage which it so richly deserves.. and feel like a new person all over again. There are times you may not have epsom salt and alum .. Then it’s just rock salt which is always handy.

Pigmentation on the face

These days a common problem that one sees on both men and women is pigmentation on the face… It is especially common in pregnant women, women who are taking oral contraceptives and women taking hormone replacement therapy during menopause. It can also occur as a result of thyroid dysfunction.

Sun exposure, following the use of deodorant soaps, scented toiletries, and various cosmetics can also produce pigmentation. We never really think that the products we are using could cause pigmentaion when exposed to the sun…, but it does… This is called phototoxic reaction and is due to ultraviolet radiation being absorbed by the chemical substance on the skin. This can happen to both men and women. Be careful with the products you choose, in fact if you are facing a pigmentation  problem  you may want to re think your face creams etc.

Pigmentation develops due to a combination of genetic, hormonal and sun related factors…

Once in a way treat yourself to a home spa? but please don’t think miracles happen over night.. Everything takes time to show results..

Grate raw papaya and extract the juice out of it. Apply on the pigmented area.. Wash off after 15 minutes.

Milk and almonds…soak almonds overnight. Remove the skin ( I actually eat a few ?) and form a paste with milk cream or milk. Apply on the pigmented areas.

Mash avocadoes into a paste and apply on the pigmented area.

Peel a potato and add a few drops of water on its surface, and then rub it on your skin to reduce pigmentation marks. Potato juice helps in lightening pigmentation marks on skin.

Avoid excessive sun exposure. Apply a sunscreen every day, with minimum SPF of 30. Reapply the sunscreen every three hours if you are out in the open. This is one point we always forget to do.

Home remedies to cure skin problems

home remedies to cure skin problems.

A. The skin darkening around the neck and under the arms can be caused by different things. There are numerous remedies that are believed to help lighten the skin but their effectiveness is moderate and may vary from individual to individual. If you find natural home treatments to be ineffective it would help to visit a dermatologist to get an accurate diagnosis in case there is a particular condition responsible for the darkening. Once the cause is identified you will be able to make a better informed decision with regard to the treatment.

Some things you can do to prevent or treat discoloration:

*Use a skin lightening cream.

* Try to avoid shaving your underarms .. But if you must shave the underarms with powder to help the razor to glide easily.

*Wax your armpits instead of shaving. This will prevent the darkness from hair just below the skin.

*You can rub lemon slices on your armpits. This may dry it out so pl use a moisturise after rinsing.

*Use alum powder in place of deodorants.

*Rub some baking soda on your armpits after taking a shower.

*Vitamin E oil can be applied to the area.

*Mix 1 teaspoon of lime juice, 1teaspoon of cucumber juice and a pinch of turmeric. Make a paste and apply to skin. Leave for twenty minutes. Rinse.

*Make a paste of sandal wood powder and rose water. Apply to the area.

*Mix one tablespoon of curd, one teaspoon of gram flour, pinch of turmeric powder and one teaspoon of milk. Make a paste. Apply to area and let dry. Rinse with cold water.

For the neck, make sure that you apply sunscreen before going outside.

*Exfoliate once a week. Add a few drops of lime juice to the exfoliating scrub.

*Mix lemon juice, turmeric powder, salt and honey. Mix well and apply to darkened areas. Repeat two to three times a day for seven days.

*Mix milk with cocoa butter and add a few drops of honey. Use two to three times a day for seven days.

*Grind four almonds that have soaked overnight in water. Make a paste. Apply at bedtime. Rinse with cold water in the morning.

*Make a paste from fresh ground mint leaves. Apply to the area and leave for fifteen minutes. Rinse.

Drink plenty of fluids. This will help remove toxins from the system.

Eat a diet that includes whole cereals, vegetables, fruits, and pulses.

Acne and pimples on the back

Some people have acne and pimples on the back, chest and shoulder blades… Pretty bad sight and it’s embarrassing and disturbing when you have to wear clothes that expose these areas like a saree blouse etc… This happens when you have oily skin and long hair or hair that comes down to these areas.. with dandruff on your scalp, you are prone to problems such as these. The dandruff travells down your hair and clogs up the pores on these areas and create pimples and acne. Never wear clothes without washing it after you wear it once. Your sheets and blanket have to be clean at all times. Get rid of that dandruff and your back will clear up. It’s most seen on teenagers and people in their early 20s…and most often to brides who get their backs waxed.

Make a paste with baking soda… Mix 2 Tbsp (30 ml) baking soda with a few drops of water until a paste forms. Apply the paste to acne covered skin, using a gentle circular motion, and leave it on for 10 minutes before rinsing with warm water.

  • You could also mix the baking soda with castile soap instead of water.
  • Baking soda works as a natural exfoliator. It removes dead skin cells that clog your pores, causing body acne. The substance is also basic, so it lowers the acidity of the top layer of skin.

Use milk of magnesia ..Use a sterile cotton ball or pad to dab a small amount of milk of magnesia onto areas affected by body acne once every day or two.

  • This substance is a base, so it lowers the acidity of the skin. It also seems to reduce your body’s ability to produce pore-clogging oils.

Try aleo Vera gel…Rub a dot of the gel over all affected areas one or two times daily.

  • Aloe vera has healing properties. Applying it can reduce redness and inflammation, causing your body acne to clear up faster.
  • SEA SALT eliminates back acne. dissolve sea salt in warm water. Pour the water in a clean spray bottle. Spray it on every day after your shower and let it dry, don’t Moisturise, just shower daily and apply salty water. Noticeable changes within a few days.

Under the eyes

Late-nights and environmental toxins can stress the delicate skin around the eyes, causing puffiness and dark circles. A natural remedy that is an alternative to the old cucumber standby is green tea bags. Loaded with antioxidants, green tea bags shrink swelling and reduce the fluids around the eyes.

Bags can form under the eyes because of aging, fluid retention, lack of sleep, allergies and even genetics. Regardless of the cause, eye bags can make you look older than you are and diminish the overall appearance of your skin.

Step 1

Place two green-tea bags into a pot of water. Put the pot on the stove over high heat and bring the water to a boil.

Step 2

Turn the heat off. Let the tea bags steep for 30 minutes.

Step 3

Remove the tea bags carefully from the hot water. Place them in a bowl and put them in the refrigerator for a few hours to chill.

Step 4

Squeeze each tea bag gently to remove the excess water when the bags are very cold. Lay down in a comfortable spot and place a tea bag over each eye.

Step 5

Leave the tea bags on your eyes for 10 to 15 minutes. Repeat this process daily until the bags are gone.

Eye makeup remover

I always advice clients .. Learn how to remove make up first before learning how to put it on.

This eye makeup remover will work like a dream if you run out of your normal brand. It’s also a great way to save money instead of using expensive makeup removers. If your skin is oily don’t use the oil based remedies … If you must then rinse out well and make sure no oil remains…

Eye makeup remover..

Combine 2 tablespoons of canola oil and one tablespoon of extra-virgin olive oil.

Dab a cottonball or tissue into the oil.

Wipe your eyelid and eyelashes to remove eye makeup.

Rinse with cool water.

Here are 10 other quick homemade beauty remedies that can be used to remove makeup and cleanse your skin, and homemade beauty treatments..

1. Combine cucumber juice to a few drops of baby oil to removed dirt and makeup.

2. Mix olive oil and baby oil to remove mascara.

3. Rub lemon peel on oily skin to remove oil and rejuvenate skin. Use an oil free moisturiser to sooth the dryness after using lemon.

4. Rinse your face every night with raw milk to remove any makeup residue and oil.

5. Mix a spoonful of potato juice with a few drops of lemon juice to reduce blemishes and dark circles.

6. Combine two tablespoons of wheat flour and enough milk to make a paste to use as a facial scrub.

7. Dip a cotton ball in tomato juice and apply it to the skin. Allow to set for 5-10 minutes before rinsing. This will help reduce the appearance of large pores.

8. Combine oatmeal and ground walnuts to create your own exofoliating scrub.

9. Mash a banana with a few drops of milk and apply to the face. Rinse after 10 minutes and your face will feel soft and smooth.

10. Use baby shampoo on a cotton ball to remove waterproof mascara.

Glowing skin

Almond face mask for glowing skin
This homemade face mask of almonds can do wonders for your skin. Use daily for a fortnight and see the result yourself.  I have tried it and you can see the result from the very first day.

• 3-4 Almonds
• Milk to soak the Almonds.
In the morning soak 3 or four almonds in milk. (according to the area on which to be applied.. may be used for other parts of the body as well) At night mash these almonds in the milk. Mash it to form very fine paste. Apply to the face. Leave for an hour, some people I know leave it on the whole night …wash face with cold water. With this face mask your skin becomes lighter, it removes the tan, as well as gets it glowing. This homemade remedy for getting fair and glowing skin also leaves your skin smooth and silky.
For dry skin, you can use daily. For oily skin use twice in the week.
Cucumber and lime juice face mask
Cucumber also has great skin lightning effect. It helps in healing the sunburn too. Combined with limejuice is best skin lightning face pack for oily skin
• One tablespoon cucumber juice
• One teaspoon lime juice
• One teaspoon turmeric
• One teaspoon glycerine (for dry skin)
Mix all the ingredients and apply on your face can be applied under and around eyes also. Apply with the help of cotton balls. Leave it for 15 minutes. Wash with cold water .For best results use this face mask daily for a week. Best for oily skin. For dry skin add some glycerine .
Gram flour face pack for fair and glowing skin

• One tablespoon Gram flour(Besan)
• One teaspoon lime juice
• One teaspoon turmeric
• Rose water for mixing
Mix all the ingredients and make a paste. Apply on your face . Leave it till dry. Wash with cold water . This homemade face mask can be used on all skin types. This home made remedy gives very good result for naturally fair and glowing skin. Also leaves the skin smooth and silky.
Banana face mask for glowing skin
• Half a banana mashed
• One egg white
• One tablespoon curd
Mash the banana mix well the egg white and curd in it. Apply on face. Wash after fifteen minutes. Banana is best for glowing skin. It gives the effect of a parlour facial. Try it and you don’t have to go to parlour for a glow on your face.

Camomile tea face mask for fair skin
•Camomile tea
•oatmeal powder 1tblsp
•Honey 2 tblsp
•Almond oil 2 drops
Make a mixtuer of chamomile tea and oatmeal in equal proportions (1/4 cup), 2 drops of almond oil and 2 tsp of honey. Use this face mask for getting fair and glowing skin naturally for 10-15 minutes.

Face mask for fair and glowing skin instantly
•Honey 2 tblsp
•Lemon juice 2 tblsp
Mix both the integredients and apply on your face for about half an hour. Wash your face with water and find the home remedy for getting fair and glowing skin naturally at home instantly.

Cucumber and watermelon face mask for fair and glowing skin
•Cucumber juice 2 tblsp
•Watermelon juice 2 tblsp
•Yogurt 1 tsp
•Milk Powder 1 tsp
Mix all the integredients and apply on your face for about fifteen minutes. watermelon helps in clearing the skin. It removes blemishes and act as toner. Cucumber juice is well known for its skin lightning effect. Yogurt softens and tightens the skin.Milk powder act as a binding agent as well as it helps in cleanising the skin and lightening the skin tone. This is a wonder full face mask for fair and glowing skin. You must try it and see its wonderful effects of this home remedy for getting fair and glowing skin naturally at home.

Bread crums face mask for fair and glowing skin
•Bread crums
•Malai (milk cream)
Mix bread crums and malai and keep it for 2 minutes, so that bread creums gets soften. Apply this face mask for 15 minutes and get a fair and glowing skin. Buttermilk face mask for fair and glowing skin
•Butter milk 1 cup
•Flower blossoms 3 tblsp
Add the flower blossoms in butter milk and heat it for 30 minutes on low heat. After that allow the mixture to cool down. Apply this face mask on face. It helps in cleansing the pores and also gives you fair and glowing skin.

Chiroinji(sunflower seeds face mask for fair and glowing skin
•Chirongi seeds 3 tblsp
•Milk to soak
Soak the chirongi(sunflower seeds) in milk overnight. Grind it in the morning and mix a few strands of saffron in it. Apply this face mask daily. This face mask is excellent for making darker skin fairer. If used for a long time it makes very dark complexion light also.

Milk face mask for getting fair and glowing skin at home
•Milk 3 tblsp
•Lemon Juice 1 tblsp
•Tumeric( a pinch off)
Make the paste of all the above ingredients. Apply on the face till and allow to dry. Wash with cold water. This home remedy is very effective for getting fair and glowing skin naturally at home.

Oatmeal face mask for getting fair and glowing skin at home
•Oatmeal 2 tblsp
•Tomato juice 1 tblsp
•Yogurt 2 tblsp
Prepare the paste of oatmeal ,tomato juice and yogurt or curd. Apply on your face for 20 minutes. After that wash with cold water. It will scrubs away the dead skin and all the dirt from your face. This face pack will also help you to get fair skin.

Potato and lemon face mask for getting fair and glowing skin at home
•Potato Juice
•Lemon juice
Mix both the juices in equal quantity. Apply on your body parts that are exposed to the sun . Wait till 15 minutes and wash with water. This home remedy for fair skin will lighten the colour of your sun tanned skin. Both ingredients have proven to be very good skin lightening agents.

Milk cream and Saffrons face mask for getting fair and glowing skin
•Milk Cream 2tblsp
Mix Saffron in milk cream and leave it overnight. In the morning blend the milk cream with fingers and apply on the face. The above home remedy will lighten the skin tone and give a very healthy glow to your skin naturally. A few drops of lemon juice may also be added..

Dried orange peel and curd face mask for getting fair and glowing skin
•Dried orange peel
•Curd or Yogurt 2 tbsp
Take some orange peels. Dry them in shadow and after that grind the orange peel to make powder. This dried orange peel has shown great results when used in a face pack. It gives a golden glow to the face. Mix dried orange peel in curd and make a paste. Apply on the face and leave for 20 minutes. After that wash the face with lukewarm water. This home remedy also help to make your skin fair and remove the blemishes and scars from your face.

Rice and milk face mask for getting fair and glowing skin
•Rice soaked in milk and grinded 2 tblsp
•Milk 2tblsp
Soak rice in the milk for two hours. Grind it to make a granular paste. Apply this face scrub on face on alternate days. This face scrub will make your skin fair soft and glowing. You can also add some lemon juice in it.

Walnut powder and milk cream(malai) face mask for getting fair and glowing skin Ingredients:
•Walnut powder 2tblsp
•milk cream 1tblsp
•Honey 1tblsp
•Lemon juice 1tblsp
Mix all the ingredients to make a paste. Scrub your face with the face mask and leave it for 20 minutes. Scrub again and wash with lukewarm water. This face mask will scrub your face and remove all the dirt and dead cells from the skin. Also this home remedy makes your skin fair and glowing naturally at home.


Jasmine flower face mask for getting fair and glowing skin
•Fresh Jasmine flower
•Curd or Yogurt 2 tbsp
•Sugar 1 tblsp
Crush the fresh Jasmine flowers and mix with curd and sugar. Apply for 15 minutes. Wonderful face pack for sensitive skin to get fair skin.


Honey and tomato face pack for instantly fair and glowing skin


  • 1 mashed tomato
  • 2 tbls honey
  • 1 teaspoon lemon juice


Mix the mashed tomato with honey. Add a teaspoon of lemon juice and blend all the ingredients together. This face mask act as an excellent cleanser . Lemon juice and tomato will lighten your  skin tone and tomato will give you an extra radiance. Honey cleans the dirt from the skin and gives your face an instant glow.

Powder milk and almond oil face pack for instantly fair and glowing skin:


  • 1 tblsp Powder milk
  • half tblsp of almond oil
  • 1 tblsp lemon juice
  • 1 tblsp honey


This face mask is best suitable for dry skin. Mix all the ingredients together and apply on your skin. Wait for half and hour and wash with luke warm water. You will also get rid of tanned skin and get a fair and glwoing skin instantly.



All the above face mask for fair and glowing skin are very effective and used for years. Using 15 Home remedies for getting fair skin naturally at home is far more cost effective and also gives excellent results.

Straight hair

The grass is always greener on the other side… People with curly hair want straight hair and ones with straight hair want curls and bounce… All of us know that chemicals are not good for us in any way, I have repeatedly said it in my posts but there’s no one better than me who understands how painful it is to deal with curly hair.. I have in my youth straightened my hair many times but I was one of the lucky few.. I never lost any hair out of the ordinary.. But that may not be the case for so many of you so be cautious.. Here are some pointers.. If you still insist on getting treatments done. It’s a good thing our hair can handle a lot of abuse we put it tru.. But we need to keep in mind our roots are very prone to getting weak under stress… So if you do desire to do a chemical treatment, don’t rush into it .. Do some research, know the post care rituals and search for the best hairstylist that can meet your needs… People keep telling me they are tired of having to use the straightener every day? That they want straight hair without having to style it every day?

You may want dead straight hair or just naturally straight, so make sure you mention this to the hairstylist. They may have ideas for you that you haven’t considered. The one I normally tell my clients is to retain the curls at the bottom and straighten the rest to keep it looking more natural. Always remember that when your roots grow out they will grow out in its natural form.

Know that some treatments are said to contain formaldehyde. It is not good for you… Some products do have this toxic chemical, it may not be there in huge amounts but they’re there. If you’re concerned, mention this to your stylist. Even better would be for you to use a 0% formaldehyde product.

Treatments are called by various names… For a smoother, no frizz, straighter hair, you can opt for the Brazilian Keratin Treatment or a Brazilian Blowout. In addition, L’Oreal has a procedure called X-Tenso that promises straight hair for up to 6 months. However, most Brazilian straightenings normally last around two to four months. So it’s not the poker straight hair you get with these treatments. With this method, the bonds in your hair aren’t completely broken and your natural texture will gradually return. In other words, it’s much better for your hair, but the contrast will be less stark. You can still style your hair and it may still hold a curl, unlike the results when you use harsh chemicals, but if it’s very straight hair you are looking for then these are not the treatments for you. With these treatments, you may still have to blow dry your hair and maybe do a few touch-ups, but your daily routine will be cut down massively.

Rebounding  is a process that makes hair poker straight .. It breaks the bonds of hair. You’ll be left with pin straight hair that will not curl. It’s most effective on medium or wavy curls. This is a difficult process to manoeuvre effectively. You do not want to undergo this with a stylist who’s never done it before. Scope around your town for the best stylist.

  • If things go awry, your hair could get seriously, seriously damaged. Don’t cut any corners with this one. Your hair can’t afford it.
  • You could be there for an entire day (5 to 8 hours), depending on your hair type and how much hair you have. When you go in for touch-ups, that’ll take 3 or 4.  So bring a good book! Or even better, a friend.

V imp..Don’t wash your hair or wear a ponytail for the next three days.

Basically, your hair needs to be left as is. Nothing that will put a kink in it or take away from the powers of the chemical.

  • Only get a permanent hair straightening on healthy hair. Chemical straightening is quite damaging too, so that your hair will look literately burned up if you relax damaged hair. If your hair is damaged, first let it grow until it’s twice its present length. In the meantime, do not do anything that damages it (flat ironing, dyeing etc.). After it has grown, cut out all the damaged hair. Now you can relax it.
  • With all processes, the roots will come back as normal. You can’t change your genes.
  • If your hair gets damaged it will pretty much lose its shine and healthy look. Apply masks and get hair spas done for damaged hair, don’t use a straightener too often, apply smoothing lotion/serum/ and buy good conditioners.
  • There are other options besides straightening curly hair. Before taking a drastic step like this you may want to consider learning how to manage your natural curly hair.
  • Try getting a new haircut that is flattering for your hair type.

Face a huge dandruff

I’ve met hundreds of people both men and women who face a huge dandruff problem… And constantly talk about hair loss in the same breath. On its own there is no link between the two .. Facing hair fall doesn’t necessarily mean you have dandruff … rather constant and aggressive scratching is the actual culprit behind it. As you often scratch your scalp to relieve itching, it weakens your hair roots causing your hair to fall out. That’s the only link. Dandruff is a chronic and most common scalp condition presented in the form of white flakes which appear on the scalp. These flakes result in itching. This is dry dandruff..when the flakes mix with oil it becomes oily dandruff. Vigorous scratching ultimately leads to hair fall.

However Dermatitis is a scalp skin condition which causes both dandruff and hair loss and it is believed that most people, who suffer from hair loss problems, also suffer from some version or the other of dermatitis!

Symptoms of dermatitis include inflammation, swelling, itching, burning sensation and redness. Severe dermatitis can also produce blisters, crusting and scaling of skin.

Some of the common causes are an allergic reaction, certain environmental conditions, irritants, accumulation of toxins in the body, nutritional deficiencies, and genetics. People who have thin or dry skin are more prone to dermatitis.

Coconut Oil: The amazing antimicrobial and moisturising properties of coconut oil can greatly help deal with the problem of dermatitis. It can significantly reduce redness, scaling and dryness within a few days.

Gently apply some warm coconut oil on the affected area to soften the skin. For best results, use virgin coconut oil.

Apple Cider Vinegar: Another effective ingredient that can be used for treating dermatitis is apple cider vinegar. It will relieve inflammation and itchiness.

Mix equal parts of apple cider vinegar and water. Use a cotton ball to apply this solution on the affected skin. Allow it to sit for about 30 minutes, and then rinse off.
Another option is to consume two teaspoons of apple cider vinegar mixed in a glass of water two or three times daily.

Aloe Vera: Aloe vera is widely used in the treatment of inflammatory skin conditions like dermatitis. This will help to restore the pH balance of your skin and relieve the itching sensation and skin irritation.

Apply fresh aloe vera gel several times a day for a few months to get rid of dermatitis.
You can also drink a few ounces of aloe vera juice to enjoy healthy and glowing skin.
Vitamin E: One of the best and easiest remedies for dermatitis is vitamin E oil. This oil promotes healing and provides relief from itching and inflammation.

So, apply vitamin E oil on your skin, especially at night before going to bed. You can also try lotions and creams containing vitamin E.

Regular consumption of foods rich in vitamin E, such as sunflower seeds, wheat germ oil, peanut butter and corn, can also help prevent eczema.

Honey: Honey is a very commonly used ingredient that can help reduce the inflammatory condition of the skin. It also has antiseptic and antibacterial properties.

Mix equal parts of raw honey, beeswax and olive oil. Heat the mixture in a double-boiler to make an ointment. When it cools, apply it to your skin and leave it on for several hours. Do this daily for several weeks to notice positive improvement in your skin condition.

Both men and women

For both men and women..

Clear vs opaque..that goes for all cleansing products.. Shampoos, face cleansers, soaps etc..

Clear formulas tend to be clarifying and can strip your skin or scalp of its natural oils and moisture. In the warm summer months, our bodies sweat and produce more oil. That’s why we reach for more purifying, clear cleansers to remove excess oil. In the winter, our skin and scalp loses its natural moisture due to the dry indoor heat, and cold low humidity winter air. Opaque cleansers are laden with skin conditioners and moisturizers that help cleanse the skin without stripping it dry. Making the switch from clear to opaque or vice-versa will help nourish and protect your skin and hair during the winter/summer months.

Opaque facial cleanser- if your skin is dry instead of a clear formula try a creamy, opaque formula. You need cleansers that will help replenish the skin while it emulsifies to remove dirt, excess oil and makeup.

Opaque body wash- Try a skin soothing and moisturizing body wash, the creamier the formula the better that rinses away cleanly and leaves the skin feeling hydrated.

Opaque bar soap- If your skin is dry get a soap that is opaque and rich that gently cleanse and soften skin.

Opaque shampoo- Clear shampoos are great for clarifying the hair to remove style product build up, but they are much too harsh to use in the winter. Instead opt for an opaque formula that uses fatty acids to hydrate your delicate strands and leaves your hair smelling fresh and clean and more manageable and soft.

Opaque hand soap- Winter season is also cold and flu season and that means even more hand washing. Clear, antibacterial formulas can leave your hands dry and cracked. Switching to an opaque formula that gently cleanses your hands, leaving them soft and healthy.

Dark lips

Home Remedies for dark lips.

It is simple to easily enhance your beauty by creating a beautiful smile and one of the best ways to do this is with pink lips. Many people are not lucky enough to have naturally pink lips instead having lips that are pale and dark which is not appealing.

Dark lips can occur because of different reasons including humid temperatures, exposure to direct rays of the sun, stress, low blood circulation, failing to remove lipstick, using low quality cosmetics, smoking, using too much fluoride, chemotherapy, chewing tobacco, illness, weather, ignoring your health, a hectic lifestyle and others.

If you want your lips to stay naturally pink, you must give them the proper care. The good news is this doesn’t involve spending money to buy expensive products as there are plenty of natural home remedies for pink lips right in your kitchen.

Home Remedies for Pink Lips

1. Moisturize Your Lips

Because the skin of your lips contains a small amount of sebum (an oil), you must keep your lips moisturized if you want them to stay healthy and therefore pink. If you are going outside, try applying a bit of petroleum jelly or lip balm and if you are inside, use some coco butter. If you want your lips to be soft and pink, you must keep them moisturized.

2. Use Pomegranate Seeds and Milk

Another simple way to lighten dark, dull lips and create a beautiful pink colour is using pomegranate seeds. Crush up the seeds and mix it with some milk cream. If you apply this home remedy to your lips regularly, you will start to see them becoming redder and fuller. The great thing about this remedy is that there are no side effects.

3. Apply Cucumber Juice

Another great way to reduce any darkness on your lips is to apply a bit of cucumber juice. Simply slice a cucumber, rubbing it against your lips to allow the juices to soak in. If you do this for five minutes each day, you can lighten dark lips to a beautiful pink colour.

4. Mix Rose Petals in Milk

Rose petals are another one of the great home remedies for pink lips. Simply soak some rose petals in milk for a little bit of time. Then use the petals to make a paste, adding a few drops of both glycerin and honey. Dab the paste on your lips and wait fifteen minutes before gently rubbing it off using milk. This remedy can produce amazing results.

5. Massage with Lemon Juice

Another remedy only requires lemon and some sugar. Cut a thin slice from the lemon, sprinkling a bit of sugar on top and rub your lips with this combination each day. This works well because lemon works to naturally bleach your lips, returning them to their light, pink colour while sugar works to exfoliate dead skin cells.

6. Apply Berry Mixture

Berries such as raspberries and strawberries have many benefits that are great for solving the problem related to dark lips. All you need to do is make a paste using raspberries and mix it with some aloe vera juice and pure honey. After applying this homemade paste, leave it on for five minutes before rinsing it off and replacing it with a lip balm that is homemade. This is effective because raspberries have many vital vitamins and minerals that can keep your lips healthy and therefore vibrant.

7. Mix raw turmeric powder and milk cream to achieve great results. You can also try mixing turmeric powder and gram’s flour to light your lips. Just keep in mind that gram’s flour dries out lips making it a poor option for those whose lips are already dry. If you do use this mix, be sure to use a heavy double cream designed to moisturize your lips after you remove the mix.

8. Mix Honey, Almond Oil and Sugar

Another great remedy is to mix sugar, honey and a little bit of olive or almond oil. Apply this to your lips, massaging it in for ten minutes.

9. Scrub with Toothbrush

If you want soft lips, you should use your toothbrush every night after brushing your teeth. Simply scrub the lips with it (make sure it is soft bristled) and this can remove the chapped, dry skin that forms around your lips, making them appear fresh.

10.Remove Makeup Before Sleeping

One of the most common reasons people have dull lips is because they don’t take off their makeup. That is why you should always remove it before bed. Simply put a bit of olive oil or almond oil on a cotton ball and rub your lips with it gently.

11.More Tips

Quit Smoking. Smoking can be one of the main reasons your lips might be dark and dull. Because of that, one of the best home remedies for pink lips is to find a way to quit smoking. Remember that if you quit, your lips won’t just get pinker; your entire body will be healthier including your lungs and you will live longer as well.

Stay Hydrated. If you want beautiful, pink lips, one of the most important things to do is to stay hydrated. Try to increase your intake of water and drink fresh fruit juices as these will work together to keep you hydrated, giving you healthy, soft lips.

Don’t Lick Your Lips. It is very common that if your lips feel dry, you lick them but in reality, this will make it worse. It can actually cause your lips to become more dull and dry.

Use Sunscreen. If you are going out in the sun, always opt for a sunscreen that has a lip gloss on top. This will prevent your lips from darkening due to exposure to the sun’s harmful rays.

Black heads

black heads

…Steaming is the best way to remove blackheads. Don`t steam your face longer than 5-7 minutes once or twice a week. It will cleanse the skin and the black heads can be removed with a black head remover… Remember after a steam you need a good pack to close the open pores.

Salt helps to dry out the excessive oil from the skin. To get rid of blackheads wash your blackheads affected area once a day with salt water.mix 1/4 cup of hot water and 1 tsp of Epsom salts with 4 drops of iodine. slightly heat until it dissolves. After cooling it to lukewarm, dip a earbud and apply this solution to the affected area and leave on for 10-15 minute to dry, and wash off.

Exfoliation is the best way to remove black heads at home. Gentle exfoliation will remove dead skin cells, clear pores and pull out blackheads. Combine equal amount of water and baking soda. Rub it in your hand and massage gently on black heads position, allow it to dry for 2 to 3 minutes. Do not exfoliate longer than 2-3 minutes once or twice in a week because extra use of this can break down too much skin tissue at one time.

Apply benzoyl peroxide face cream over the blackheads. This will prevent black heads by oxidization of pours and killing the bacteria. Rub small amount of benzoyl peroxide cream in your hand and use it over the black heads once or twice in a week.

Oily skin is more prone to black heads. Try small amount of tooth paste over the black head and rub with a soft tooth brush.

Make a solution with 1 cup hot water and 1tsp boric acid, it helps to extract black heads from your face. Apply it over the affected area by using a ear bud, after 5-10 minute wash off it.

Always use a good pack to close open pores after these treatments are done.

Skin ages

Wrinkles, thinning, sagging and dryness are all part of the ageing process. As your skin ages, it doesn’t replace itself as quickly. Elastin and collagen, the proteins that keep your skin strong and elastic, are produced more slowly. And you can’t stop these changes from happening. Even at what age they start largely depends on your genes — if your mother started getting wrinkles in her 30s, it’s likely that you will, too.

External aging, however, is due to the factors we can control, like those childhood sunburns. Exposure to the sun definitely ages your skin — and it can have even more devastating consequences beyond wrinkles, age spots and a leathery look. Smoking, your diet and repetitive facial expressions also play a part. If you furrow your brow a lot, for example, you’ll probably get wrinkles on your forehead.

It’s never too early to start learning how to take good care of your body

All you really need is a cleanser, toner, moisturiser and a sunscreen. Whether you choose to use other products is entirely up to you.

Keep in mind that taking care of your skin isn’t just about facial skin. The skin on your body is very different from the skin on your face. If you have oily facial skin but are prone to dry skin on your arms, a single soap isn’t going to work for both. Aging skin also tends to be thinner and more delicate on the face and hands. You may want to use a nonsoap cleanser on these areas. Soaps sometimes contain harsh detergents that strip away too much of your skin’s natural oils, leaving it dry and tight.

Many people don’t think that they need to use a moisturizer because they have oily skin, but you need to restore whatever moisture has been removed through washing or external aging factors like the sun. If you have oily skin, look for a light, oil-free moisturizer lotion. People with dry skin need heavier creams. There are also heavy creams for areas of the body that are especially prone to dryness and flaking, such as the elbows, knees and heels. The skin is thicker in these places and is exposed to a lot of stress.

Sunscreen should be worn daily, no matter what your plans. You probably know to apply it to your face, ears and neck, but your arms and hands can also suffer from exposure. The skin on the back of your hands sometimes shows signs of aging faster than facial skin because it tends to be neglected. Skin specialist s recommend using a sunscreen with an SPF (sun protection factor) of at least 15, but if you know that you burn easily or you’re going to spend an extended amount of time in the sun, go with a higher number. You can usually find moisturizers with added sunscreen.

It’s never too early to start learning how to take good care of your body.


Most girls and boys think squeezing out a pimple will get rid of it and then wonder why more of them keep coming… Until some people have an infection so bad that only medication can cure.. And in most cases not even… Squeezing out a pimple is the worst thing you can do.. It leads to scaring, open pores and worse a bad case that goes on for years.

An inflamed blemish happens when the pore becomes engorged with excess sebum, dead skin cells, and bacteria. When you squeeze a pimple, you may inadvertently force the dirt from the pore to go deeper into the follicle. That can cause the follicle wall to rupture and spill infected material into the dermis (the innermost section of the skin.)

Not only do you run the risk of scarring if you pick at or squeez your pimples, you can worsen the blemish. Don’t be fooled if you are able to coax pus and debris from the pore opening. Infected material may still be entering the dermis from below.

Squeezing a pimple can lead to a nodule (hard, red, painful blemish deep within the skin) or a cyst. The most serious form of a blemish, cysts are large and painfully inflamed lesions. They develop when a membrane forms around the infection in the dermis, creating a soft, fluid-filled lump. Cysts must by treated by a physician.

Picking at your blemishes can spread infection, and ultimately worsen your acne. Clearly a hands-off policy is the best choice when it comes to your skin.

Lightening dark elbows and knees

dark elbows and knees you need to exfoliate and moisturize skin. These useful ways and natural tips will remove darkness from your elbows/knees and make it fair. Natural home remedies are helpful but it may take time. Hence to get rid of dark elbows and knees buy a good scrub and skin lightening creams that helps to fix your problem fast.

Steps for lightening dark elbows and knees

Exfoliation is the first step towards lightening your elbow or knee. In this process dead skin and dirt are removed from the skin, making it fair. These clogged impurities are the main reason for the dark black elbows and knees. Hence buy a good scrub which contains nano particles for effectively cleaning your skin.

After you exfoliate, the next step is to moisturize skin. Remember that when you exfoliate your skin becomes dry which is big reason for dark elbow and knees. Hence apply a good moisturizing product rich in vitamin E and extracts of natural oils that helps to make skin soft.

Apply a fairness cream rich in peptides, vitamin C and various fruit extracts that helps to lighten your dark elbows/knees fast. These skin lightening creams are very effective in removing your dark skin and making it fair.

Use a good lotion which contains sun protecting factors (atleast 20 SPF) that helps to protect skin against sun rays. These lotions should be used when you are out on a beach and your body is exposed to sunlight. Otherwise wear full sleeve clothes and full pants to prevent your skin from darkening.

Get rid of dark elbows and knees naturally

Lemon juice which is rich in vitamin C and citric acid is the best natural product for lightening skin. Take some lemon juice and rub it daily to your knees and elbows. Slowly and gradually with time you will notice that your skin has turned fair.

Natural oils like olive oil, coconut oil, almond oil contain vitamin E that helps to provide moisture to dry and rough skin. This is a natural method for keeping skin moist and soft. Olive oil also contains anti oxidants which are best known for repairing dark and damaged skin and making it fair and healthy. Apply one of these oils to your elbows and knees before sleeping to remove the darkness and dryness from skin.

Potato which is a good source of skin lightening enzymes may be the solution to your problem. Take a potato slice and rub it to your knees and elbows. Repeat it daily and in a few days darkness of skin will fade and your skin will become fair.

Cucumber is a great source of moisture plus it has skin cleansing acids that help in removing impurities from skin. Take slices of cucumber and rub it gently over your skin for 15 minutes.

Papaya contains a skin cleansing enzyme called papain and various vitamins that helps to get rid of dark elbows and knees. Remove the slice of papaya and rub it to your skin. The nutrients contained in papaya will lighten your elbows and make your skin beautiful.

Sandalwood and turmeric are being widely used for skin care since ancient time because of its ability to make skin glow. Take turmeric and gram flour in 1:1 ratio and add rose water to it. Massage this paste to your elbow and knee for making it glowing and white.

Aloe vera is rich in anti oxidants moisture and enzymes that helps to remove darkness from skin. Extract the gel of aloe vera and apply to the affected area. Let it stay for 20 minutes and then using like warm water wash it.

Add lemon juice to honey and use this paste as a natural scrub. While lemon remove dead skin cells and dirt from skin honey will protect it from drying and will keep skin soft and moisturized.

Healthy skin

healthy skin:

* Change your pillowcase once a week. Oil, dirt and bacteria from your head, hair and face can build-up on pillowcases over time, so even if you go to bed with a freshly washed face, you may have a bad case of pimples, acne or black heads because you may be exposing yourself to unwanted oil and dirt overnight. To avoid this, replace your used pillowcase with a freshly washed one once a week

* Wash your hair frequently. Having greasy hair can contribute to more oil on the surface of the skin, increasing the chances of blocked pores. As well as washing your face, you need to ensure that you are washing your hair on a regular basis, thus preventing excess oil from building up on the face. Washing every two to three days should be enough for most people, unless you tend to have very oily hair.

* Remember that over-washing your hair can actually cause your body to produce more oil to compensate. Washing everyday is an overkill for most people.

* Dab on a little tea tree oil. Tea tree oil is a natural essential oil which has been proven to combat whiteheads, blackheads and pimples just as effectively as benzoyl peroxide. To use, just dab a little of the oil directly onto the whiteheads etc by using a q-tip ( ear bud) If you find this too strong, you can dilute the tea tree with a few drops of water.

Moisturise for oily skin

Moisturise for oily skin

1.Determine your skin care needs.

If you have only an oily t-zone (forehead, nose and chin) you do not need the same moisturizer as someone with severe acne. You may need a moisturizer for oily areas and a heavier moisturizer for dry areas.

For excessive oily skin or blemishes, you may need a moisturizing gel coupled with a serum to hydrate your skin and control your break-outs.

2.Look for an “oily skin” label on lotion bottles. You should also see the words “water-based,” “oil-free,” or “noncomedogenic,” which means the product won’t clog your pores.

Lotions for oily skin are light and absorb quickly into the skin without leaving a residue. Many contain ingredients like alpha-hydroxy acid for treating acne.

Protect your skin from sunlight by choosing a moisturizer for oily skin with SPF 15 or higher.


Try a gel if you are reluctant to put lotion on your face. Many people with oily skin prefer gels to lotions as gels are soothing and dry almost instantly. Gels contain humectants that attract moisture to the skin without creating excess oils.

Look for oil-free moisturizing gels made with natural ingredients such as aloe that help to heal acne-prone skin, or tomato, which controls oil. Natural ingredients help to heal skin that is inflamed from the chemicals of acne treatments or oil stripping cleansers.


Add oil control and anti-blemish serums to help moisturize and heal your skin.

Use a serum under your oil-free lotion or gel to target a specific problem. Be sure the serum is water-based and made for oily skin. Serums include vitamins and minerals that help balance moisture in your skin and control breakouts. Look for natural ingredients like aloe, kelp, algae, vitamin C, honey, garlic or green tea.

Amazing Benefits Of Neem Leaves For Skin and Hair

Two amazing plants that I use regularly is the tulsi and the neem…

Anything bites me .. I get a bunch of tulsi leaves and squeeze out the juice and apply on the affected area.. The itching goes away at once… When my little pug kiddo had the worst skin infection and no medication could treat him I used to boil neem leaves and bathe him with it .. He was completely cured .( the pic is kiddo soaking in neem water .. Sadly we lost him 2 years ago ?.. We still miss him like crazy )

I swear by both these plants.

Amazing Benefits Of Neem Leaves For Skin and Hair

Grown throughout India, the neem tree is well known not only for its medicinal properties but also for taking care of environmental issues.

Neem leaf, also known as neem plant is an essential ingredient in many Ayurveda medicines. Neem leaves are known to contain beneficial compounds that have anti-fungal, anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory agents.

It is very useful for treating warts, chicken pox, and small pox. This is because neem absorbs the virus and protects from entering the unaffected.

neem leaves are boiled and are used for bathing especially for those who are suffering from skin ailments. This provides respite to conditions such as eczema, cold sores and warts.

Neem is also effective against fungus that infects scalp, skin and nails that includes ringworm that occurs in hands and feet.

Neem leaves are easy to obtain and can be used to aid beauty and skin care.

Moisturizes Skin:

The leaves Moisturize the skin keeping it soft and supple. They are effective for lightening scars and pigmentation caused by acne and scabies. If you have pimples on your face, apply the neem leaf paste. This can even be used to treat minor wounds. To cure any kind of skin infection, mix turmeric with neem paste and apply it on your body. Do this regularly for 3 months.

Cures Acne:

Boil a cup of neem leaves in water till the leaves are soft and discoloured and the water turns green. Strain and store in a bottle. Add some water in your regular bathing water to get rid of acne, infection and body odour. A neem face pack grinding a few neem leaves with some water work best to treat the pimple and acne problems.

Skin Toning:

Neem leaves for skin can also be used as a toner. Just dip a cotton ball in boiled neem water and wipe your face with it overnight. This will clear acne, scars, pigmentation and black heads. This potion can also be used as a hair rinse to treat dandruff and excessive hair fall.

You can also prepare a face pack using neem leaves. Boil neem leaves with small segments of orange peel in a little water. Add little yoghurt, honey and milk to form a smooth paste. Apply this to your face and wash of when it dries. This will clear acne and break outs, white heads and even reduce the appearance of pores.

Neem leaves for Hair – Scalp and hair issues:

Add a cup of fresh neem leaves to boiling water, and use this water to rinse your hair after shampooing your hair. The anti-bacterial property of neem helps to treat dry scalp, dandruff and hair fall issues.


Boil fresh neem leaves in water for about ten minutes and let it cool completely. Use this water as an eye wash during conjunctivitis and irritation of the eyes.

Gargling with neem water provides relief to sore throat and soaking the feet in warm neem water provides relief to the foot ache.

Apply a paste made of neem leaves boiled in water and honey on your hair. This helps to tame the frizz.

Natural bleach

chemical bleaches makes skin dry,Try this natural bleach .

Make a paste of the carrot. Squeeze the tomato with your hands and remove the pulp derived. Also squeeze the juice of the lemon, and make a paste of the corriander.Mix all the pastes and pulps.

Start by washing the face using a mild baby soap or cleanser. Tone the face with either readily available toner or use the juice of a cucumber.

If you have extremely sensitive skin, limit in using lemon to only about two or three drops and use a little honey in addition. Mix a little milk in it and see that you get a paste that resembles the consistency of bleach.

Leave this to refrigerate for about fifteen minutes before you apply to the face and neck using either your finger tips, or a brush. Leave on for about fifteen minutes before washing off with water and using mild baby soap if required. This treatment is safe to use as often as once a week

Home Remedies for Dry Skin

Step 1

Apply aloe vera. Aloe vera gets rid of dead skin cells and can be soothing for dry skin. Use it on the areas that need relief.

Step 2

Try tea tree oil. In addition to being moisturizing, tea tree oil has antiseptic properties. Apply it to affected areas.

Step 3

Enjoy some avocado. Add a few drops of lemon juice to 1/2 an avocado, and mash. Apply to clean skin and allow to remain for 20 minutes. Then remove with some tissue, and splash the face with cold, then warm, water.

Step 4

Drink some evening primrose oil. Taken internally, evening primrose oil can help moisturize and rejuvenate dry skin. Follow the manufacturer’s recommendations for use.

Step 5

Find the beauty in flax seed oil. When consumed daily, unrefined flax-seed oil can help conquer dryness and promote a lustrous complexion. Follow the manufacturer’s recommendations for use.

Skin Pigmentation

Many of us have faced the issue of skin pigmentation, dark spots, freckles and an uneven skin tone. It is very disturbing and embarrassing to step out with even one spot. Most doctors recommend laser to get rid of such problems, but in my opinion it’s a huge investment. I chose to go with natural remedies; it’s a slow process but progresses in the right direction to give positive and effective results.

But to treat something it is necessary that we know the reason behind the problem. So lets look into the skin pigmentation causes first.

Causes Of Skin Pigmentation

Like UV exposure tends to increase the melanin production, there are a few other environmental factors also that can cause either increased or decreased melanin production. Before we get into the causes, it necessary to remember that their two kinds of pigmentation abnormalities that can occur. Hyperpigmentation where the melanin production is elevated leading to brown or tan spots on the skin. This is also known widely as melasma. Hypopigmentation where the melanin production is lowered and patches of lighter skin appears. This is also known as vitiligo.

And now lets tackle the causes.

Heat: Over exposure to heat is one of the most common environmental causes to pigmentation. The melanin producing cells are disturbed due to which pigmentation occurs. Just like UV radiation affects the melanocytes, even thermal radiation affects the melanocytes which results in hyperpigmentation.

Injury: Sometimes after the wound caused by an injury heals, there is still a slight inflammation. This inflammed area can later develop pigmentation.

Medication: Certain specified medicines can cause skin pigmentation as a side effect during their use in treatment.

Diseases:Certain diseases also cause discoloration of skin like jaundice and cyanosis. In jaundice the skin develops a yellow tinge whereas in cyanosis the skin appears blue as their isn’t sufficient circulation of oxygen on the blood.

Emotional Duress: It has been observed in some cases, that extreme emotional stress and duress also effects the production of melanin by the cells.

How to Remove Skin Pigmentation?

Here are some simple tips to help you reduce skin pigmentation naturally and acquire healthy, glowing skin.

1. Potato:

It works very well to help lighten pigmented areas, dark spots and blemishes. You can try rubbing a slice of potato on your skin daily; you may also try a mixture of fuller’s earth and potato juice to get rid of dark spots.

2. Lemon/Lime:

Mix lemon with honey and apply on your face. It is highly beneficial because lemon is natural bleach and organic honey contains moisturizing properties. Do not use lemon if you have a sensitive skin.

3. Lemon Juice + Turmeric Powder:

Mix 1 tbsp of turmeric and lemon juice well. Apply this on the effected areas for 15 mins. You can then wash it off with cold water.

This pack is best used at night for exposure to sun immediately after the use of lemon is never advisable.

4. Red Onion:

It is one of the most effective ways to reduce pigmentation of skin, dark spots, freckles etc. You would need to slice up an onion and rub it directly on the affected areas. Alternatively, you may grate the onion, squeeze out its juice and apply.

5. Cucumber:

Very helpful in reducing skin pigmentation, fades freckles and blemishes. 1 tbsp of cucumber juice is to be used in conjunction with 1 tbsp honey and 1 tbsp lemon/lime juice for best results.

6. Aloe Vera/ Aloe Vera + Vitamin E:

Aloe Vera effectively treats pigmented skin, clears dark spots and blemishes, resulting in the older skin cells to slough off, thus leaving us with clearer-looking and rejuvenated skin. Apply the gel half hour before bed; add one or two Vitamin E capsules like Evion to enhance its efficacy. Use it in the marketed gel form or gather the gel straight from the plant.

Daily for at least two weeks and every alternate day thereafter till you achieve desired results.

7. Tomato+ Oatmeal + Yogurt:

Extract tomoato juice and to it add 2 2 tsp oatmeal and 1/2 tsp yogurt. Apply this on the problem areas till dries. Ensuring however that you don leave it on for more than 20 mins. Wash it off with lucke warm water.

You will need to do this everyday to see results.

8. Vinegar:

Vinegar has good lightening as well as astringent properties. One way to use this is by making a vinegar rinse. Mix vinegar with equal amounts of water and use it rinse your face. Don’t wash it off after.

9. Avocados:

The enzymes in avocados can also reduce pigmentation. For this you can either mash the fruit and apply the paste on the effected area or you slice it up and directly squeeze the juice on to the affected area.

But the one thing to watch out for is the latex enzymes in it that can cause allergies in some people. Please do make sure you do a patch test before using this.

10.Guava + Banana:

Mash banana and guava together and apply this paste on the effected areas. Wash off after 15-20 minutes. Follow this everyday. The lycopene in the guava and the exfoliating properties of the banana together will lead to skin lightening.


Natural Remedies = Patience

How long is a mask to be kept on?

Not more than 20 minutes. Rinse off, pat dry and follow up with a moisturizer of your choice.

All of us do not have the same type of skin, if you find one remedy not working, try another until you find the right natural treatment to get rid of skin pigmentation and blemishes.

Indulge in proper skincare, do not forget cleansing, toning, moisturizing and exfoliating (at least twice a week using the facial scrub of your choice).

Use a sunscreen on daily basis, a minimum of SPF 30 and PA+++ protection is recommended (especially for skin pigmentation).

If oily skin and excess sweat prompts you to skip sunscreen, try Lotus Herbals Safe Sun UV Screen Matte Gel PA+++ SPF 50 or Sunmate SPF 30+ gel-cream (Dermatologist recommended).

Drink lots of water and eat as many fruits to keep your skin hydrated and flush out the toxins from your system.

Now did you find the ways on how to reduce skin pigmentation? Hope you found them helpful.

Pimples and other inflammations

People swear by this remedy… At least all the women in my family do…And to think that it came from one of my male cousins :)) well try it..

Mostly for pimples and other inflammations …

6 green chillies ( the more potent the better)

10 tablespoons of water

Grind together, strain and using a Qtip (ear bud) apply only to the infected part.. Bottle it and store in the fridge for, not more, than 4 days… Of cause nothing beats freshly ground juice .. Do it 4 to 5 times a day… In 48 hrs see the vanishing act … Totally worth a try.

10 ways to get rid of dark underarms

dark underarms is not a disease or a medical condition. Dark underarms can be defined as the dark coloration of skin in the underarms region in comparison with the rest of the body. It is something like sun tan that happens when skin gets exposed to ultraviolet rays for longer period of time. Some of the main causes of dark underarms are shaving, regular use of hair removing creams, excessive sweating, poor ventilation of underarms, accumulation of dead cells, use of alcohol-based deodorants and antiperspirants, excessive smoking, and health problems like obesity or diabetes.

If you have dark underarms, there is nothing to worry about as you can easily get rid of them by following simple home remedies. These remedies are safe, effective, natural and affordable and that too without any side effects.

Here are top 10 ways to get rid of dark underarms.


The mild acidic property present in potato is a kind of great natural bleaching agent. To get rid of dark underarms all you need to do is to apply some potato juice on your underarms and soon the color of the skin will get lighter. There are two ways to use potato. First, take a thin slice of potato and use it to rub underarm skin. Else you can grate the potato and apply the juice to the affected area, allow it to dry for ten minutes and then wash it properly with lukewarm water. Repeat this process for better and faster result. One good part about this remedy is that potato will never cause skin irritation.


Just like potato, cucumber has also got natural bleaching properties. You can apply some cucumber juice over your underarms to lighten it. For this you can rub the underarms with the thin cucumber slice or you can grate a cucumber and apply the juice under your arms. Another option is to extract juice out of a cucumber and mix it with turmeric and a few drops of lemon juice to make a paste. Now apply this paste on the affected area for half an hour and finally wash it off with water. Repeat this home remedy daily or every alternate day for better result.

Baking Soda

If you wish to lighten the skin of your dark underarms, you need to scrub the area on regular basis. To make natural skin scrub at home, take some baking soda and add some water to it to make a thick paste. Now use this paste to scrub your underarms. This will help to remove dead skin cells accumulated in the underarm which is one of the main reasons behind dark underarms. It will also help to unclog the skin pores. Else after wash the underarms with water, you can apply a light dusting of baking soda to reduce the appearance of dark skin coloration.

Coconut Oil

Coconut oil is another good option to get rid of dark underarm. Coconut oil contains the important ingredient Vitamin E that can help in lightening the underarms. Before taking a bathing, daily massage the dark underarms with coconut oil for ten to fifteen minutes. Then rinse the area properly with mild soap and lukewarm water. When this remedy is followed on daily basis, it will reduce the darkening of underarms over time. At the same time, coconut oil will also work as an effective natural deodorant.


Sandalwood paste is another useful ingredient that can be used to get rid of dark underarms. Take some sandalwood powder and add some rose water to make a thick paste. While sandalwood has got lightening properties, rose water will have a cooling effect on the skin and will make it softer. Apply the paste on your underarms and allow it to dry for around fifteen minutes. Finally wash it off with cold water. The fragrance of sandalwood will also help to get rid of bad body odor due to excessive sweating. When repeated daily, this remedy will lighten the skin tone of your underarms within a few days.


Lemon is a kind of natural cleanser and it also acts a powerful anti-bacterial and anti-septic. This is why lemon is used in the treatment of various skin related problem including dark underarms. To remove dead skin cells and to lighten the skin tone of your underarms take a thick slice of lemon and rub it on the affected area. Finally wash the area properly and after some time it is essential to use some moisturizer as lemon can cause skin dryness. Another option is to make a make a paste of lemon juice and small quantity of turmeric and then apply it to your underarms for about ten minutes before washing it off. Instead of turmeric you can also use honey or plain yogurt in small amount.

Orange Peel

Next time when you eat an orange, keep the peels safely as it can be used to lighten the skin tone of your dark underarms. Keep the orange peels under the sun for a few days. Grind the dried peels of the orange with the help of a grinder to make it in powder form. Now mix the powdered orange peels with rose water and milk to make a thick paste. Use this paste to scrub the dark underarms gently for around ten to fifteen minutes. Finally wash the area with cold water to remove dead skin cells.

Gram Flour

Another great ingredient to get rid of dark underarms is gram flour. You can use gram flour to make a homemade whitening pack. To make the pack, take a handful of gram flour and mix it with yogurt, lemon and a little turmeric powder. Mix all the ingredients properly to form a thick paste. Now apply this paste on to your underarms and leave it for at least half an hour. Finally rinse it off with warm water. Follow this remedy daily for the first two weeks and then repeat it three times a week to get faster results.


Milk is a good ingredient for underarm darkening. The vitamins and fatty acids present in milk are good for the skin as they can help in minimizing the dark skin tone. Take two tablespoon of mils and add one tablespoon of curd and one tablespoon of flour to it. Mix it properly to make a thick paste and apply it on dark underarms. Leave it for about fifteen minutes then wash it off with cold water. This remedy will soften the skin and remove the dead skin cells, thus making the skin tone much lighter. Another option is to make a concoction with milk, a pinch of saffron and honey.


Vinegar can also come to your rescue when you wish to get rid of your dark underarms. For this remedy mix rice flour with strong vinegar to form a thick paste. Apply this paste on the dark underarms after taking a hot shower. Allow the paste to dry for ten to fifteen minutes and then rinse off with warm water. This remedy will not only lighten the skin tone, but will also kill all the germs and bacteria which feed on the dead skin cells causing underarm odour.

Instant glow

Glowing skin is an indicator of good health and vitality. It is very difficult to maintain a glowing complexion nowadays because of air pollution, stressful lifestyles, lack of exercise and intake of processed or fast foods.Say goodbye to all those expensive beauty creams and instant glow face packs and fish in your kitchen cabinet for some garden greens and natural ingredients that will surely help you.

Before following the remedies Drink plenty of water to keep your body well flushed of toxins and wastes.

Include plenty of raw foods like fruits, salads and sprouts in your daily diet.

Make sure to take time to relax as stress can trigger off many skin problems.

Glowing skin is the owner’s pride and neighbour’s envy!!!!!!

Follow these home remedies and experience a glowing, hydrated and rejuvenated skin. So, why wait, let mother nature heal and pamper your skin with her gifted treasures.

Instant glow for any occasion:

1.Take 2tbsp oats, 2tbsp yogurt, 1tsp honey and powdered almonds. Mix them together to make a fine paste and apply it on your face for 10 minutes. Rinse with warm water to get an instant sheen.

2.Drinking the juice of watermelon, apple, carrot and lemon helps fight the free radicals that damage the skin and enable you to get a blemish –free and glowing complexion in a month’s time.

3.Add 1 tsp dried curry leaves to fuller’s earth and make a fine paste. Apply it to the face and leave it on until it completely dries. Wash with normal water. This helps deep cleanse the skin and removes all the traces of pollution and dirt. Using this treatment regularly helps the skin get rid of any blemishes and keeps you glowing and dirt free.

4.Coconut is used in a number of spa treatments and scrubs as a skin nourishing agent. According to ancient Egyptian texts, the famous Queen Cleopatra also used coconut oil as a skin toner or applied it to the skin mixed with lemon juice or camphor. Using a combination of coconut and sea salt helps impart a natural glow to the skin with regular use.

5.Make a paste of red sandal wood and apply it on the face every day for glowing skin.

Pregnant women and patchy skin

Yes, it’s common for pregnant women to develop blotchy areas of darkened skin, commonly called the mask of pregnancy (but officially known as chloasma or melasma gravidarum).

Women with darker complexions are more prone to this condition than women with lighter skin. You’re also more likely to develop chloasma if it runs in your family. The effects of chloasma may become more pronounced with each pregnancy.

The splotches can show up around your upper lip, nose, cheekbones, and forehead, sometimes in the shape of a mask. They may also appear on your cheeks or along your jawline. You may develop dark patches on your forearms and other parts of your body that are exposed to the sun.

What’s more, you may find that skin that is already more pigmented – such as your nipples, freckles, scars, and the skin of your genitals – becomes even darker during pregnancy. This also tends to happen in areas prone to friction, such as your underarms and inner thighs.

These changes may be triggered by hormonal changes during pregnancy, which stimulate a temporary increase in your body’s production of melanin, the natural substance that gives color to hair, skin, and eyes. Sun exposure plays a role, too.

The areas of increased pigmentation will probably fade within a few months after delivery and your skin should return to its normal shade, although in some women the changes never completely disappear.

What about this dark line running down my belly?

It’s called the linea nigra. Before pregnancy, there was a line called the linea alba running from your belly button to your pubic bone. You probably didn’t notice it, though, because it was the same color as the rest of your skin.

The same increased production of melanin that causes facial splotches is responsible for darkening this line on your belly. It will probably fade back to its pre-pregnant color several months after you deliver your baby.

Can I do anything to prevent skin discoloration during pregnancy?

Skin pigmentation changes usually disappear on their own after delivery, but you can do a few things to safely minimize them in the meantime:

Protect yourself from the sun. This is crucial because exposure to the sun’s ultraviolet (UV) rays intensifies pigment changes. Use a broad-spectrum sunblock (a formula that protects against both UVA and UVB rays) with SPF 30 or higher every day, whether it’s sunny or not, and reapply often during the course of the day if you’re outside.

In fact, even if you don’t plan to leave the house or spend much time outside, make applying sun protection part of your morning routine. The American Academy of Dermatology cautions that your skin is exposed to a significant amount of UV light when you do things like walk down the street, ride in a car, or even sit inside near a window.

When you’re outside, cover up and wear a hat with a brim, as well as a shirt with long sleeves if you have pigmentation changes on your arms. Limit the time you spend in the sun, especially between 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. And definitely avoid tanning salons.

Use gentle cleansers and facial creams. Preparations that irritate your skin may make the problem worse.

Apply a concealing makeup. If the pigmentation changes bother you, cover them up for now – don’t use skin-bleaching products while you’re pregnant. The changes may go away on their own after you give birth.

What about after my pregnancy?

After you have your baby, continue to protect your skin from the sun! Use sunscreen, cover up, and stay out of the sun at midday. In most cases, the discolorations will slowly fade without any treatment.

For a small number of women, however, contraceptives that contain estrogen (such as the Pill, the patch, and the vaginal ring) can contribute to chloasma. If the skin changes are bothersome, consider another birth control option.

If your skin is still blotchy after a few months and it’s bothering you, talk to your practitioner or a dermatologist about treatment options. She may suggest using a bleaching cream that contains hydroquinone (some of which also contain sunscreen), a topical medication that contains tretinoin (Retin-A), or a chemical peel such as glycolic acid. Of course, if you’re breastfeeding or plan on becoming pregnant again soon, be sure to let your practitioners know and also check in before using any over-the-counter treatments.

Don’t expect instant results – it may take many months to see improvement. In rare cases, dermatologists can use laser treatments to lighten the darkened skin, but that’s not the first option. Whatever approach you take, it’s crucial to continue protecting yourself from the sun during treatment and afterward.

Are these skin changes ever a sign of illness?

Certain types of skin discoloration can be a symptom of skin cancer or other medical problems, so let your practitioner know if changes in skin pigmentation are accompanied by pain, tenderness, redness, or bleeding, or if you notice any changes in the color, shape, or size of a mole. You may be referred to a dermatologist who can determine the cause of the changes and whether any treatment is appropriate.


The pores in your skin contain oil glands. At puberty, there is an increase in sex hormones, called androgens. The excess hormones cause the oil glands to become overactive, enlarge, and produce too much oil, or sebum. When there is too much sebum, the pores or hair follicles become blocked with skin cells. The increase in oil also results in an overgrowth of bacteria called Propionibacterium acnes.

If blocked pores become infected or inflamed, a pimple — a raised red spot with a white center — forms. If the pore clogs, closes, and then bulges, you have a whitehead. A blackhead occurs when the pore clogs, stays open, and the top has a blackish appearance due to oxidation or exposure to air. (This has nothing to do with skin being “dirty”).

When bacteria grow in the blocked pore, a pustule may appear, meaning the pimple becomes red and inflamed. Cysts form when the blockage and inflammation deep inside pores produce large, painful lumps beneath the skin’s surface.

Hormonal changes related to birth control pills, menstrual periods, and pregnancy can trigger acne. Other external acne triggers include heavy face creams and cosmetics, hair dyes, and greasy hair ointment — all of which can increase blockage of pores.

Clothing that rubs the skin may also worsen acne, especially on the back and chest. So can heavy sweating during exercise, and hot, humid climates. Stress is known to trigger increased oil production, which is why many teens have a new crop of pimples on the first day of school or just before that big date.

Parabens and their effects

Paraben are commonly and widely used synthetically-produced preservatives in cosmetics, personal care and pharmaceutical products. Many commercially produced shampoos, lotions, creams, gels, makeup, etc. use parabens and their salts as preservatives. They are used for their antibacterial and fungicidal properties. They are low-cost and easily available and hence, replaced natural alternatives.

Methylparaben and benzethonium chloride are commonly seen included in various commercial products. Products containing methylparaben when applied on the skin and exposed to sun as react with ultraviolet rays and cause skin damage and DNA damage.

Although, there is no conclusive evidence that parabens directly lead to cancer or other disorders, there are telling investigative results on how parabens are being processed and their presence in various conditions.

In a study conducted at University of Reading in 2004, parabens were present in 18 out of 20 samples of tissue from breast tumour biopsies, calling for indepth investigation into the relation parabens might have in the growing number of breast cancer diagnoses.

In another study, volunteers applied paraben-containing lotion and a few hours later their urine contained parabens. Since this indicates that parabens were absorbed and excreted, there are possible health risks associated with the use of parabens. Four parabens were found in various concentrations (Methyl paraben – 99.1% of persons, Propyl paraben – 92.7% of persons, Ethyl paraben – 42.4% of persons, Butyl Paraben – 47% of persons) in the urine of participants of a survey conducted by the Centre for Disease Control and Prevention in the U.S. in 2005-2006.

With multiple personal care products used by a single individual on a daily basis, the collective effect of parabens contained in them on their body systems need to be studied and decisive evidence obtained.

Consumers now feel it is better to be safe than sorry and opt for paraben-free products. More users are switching to products that provide this safer option.

Medimix offers paraben-free liquid handwashes in two variants – herbal and sandal. Medimix, known for herbal handmade soaps that remedy skin problems, brings the same gentle formulation in their handwashes, without parabens. They contain natural herbs with proven skincare benefits and do not leave you feeling stripped of moisture. Medimix handwashes imparts fragrances of pure oils that are gentle on your skin. You can keep your hands germ-free, the safe way.

Ayurvedic foods for Women’s health

Ayurveda or the “Science of Life” advocates that diet forms an important part of our body’s well-being. What you put in your body determines how it functions. The right food in the right measure at the right time is what keeps your body going.

Women have different nutritional needs when compared to men. Their bodies and supplementation requirements have to be attended to differently. These requirements vary depending on the stage of life. It is a fact that most women now juggling their family and work responsibilities tend to neglect their health, often unknowingly. Some effects of their poor diet might be seen immediately, like fatigue, hairloss, lack of stamina, dull skin, among others. And some effects will be long-term, like osteoporosis, anaemia, heart disease and so on.

A woman’s body gears up for pregnancy in the years running up to her reproductive age. It stores up fat and nutrients, and builds muscles to prepare the body. For this, appropriate food should be taken. During pregnancy, women need a larger supply of proteins, irons and other nutrients to nourish the foetus and her body. Calcium will be depleted during pregnancy if the body does not replenish it. Calcium storage should begin at an early age to have a healthy bone mass and should be continued throughout a woman’s productive years. This is because calcium absorption reduces as she ages. Therefore, calcium should be taken through various sources like milk, eggs, pulses, meat and fish as part of her daily diet to prevent osteoporosis at a later stage in life. Women also require a steady amount of iron in their diet as they menstruate and lose iron through blood.

Ayurveda advocates balancing Vata, Kapha and Pitha doshas in the body for overall wellness. Eating the right foods to even out imbalances will help you return to your healthy self. Of course, the general guidelines laid down by Ayurveda apply to all. They include, eat when you are hungry and eat at regular intervals, do not engage in any other activity while eating, sit down to eat, eat warm fresh meals, eat slowly and pay attention to the signals you body send you when you feel satiated, avoid combinations of food that might upset your digestion and cause bloating.

Include whole grains and pulses in your diet for energy and proteins. They also provide the necessary dietary fibre along with minerals and vitamins. Vegetable and fruits should be taken in plenty particularly leafy vegetables that provide iron. Milk, eggs, meat and fish should be taken to increase calcium and protein. Chyawanprash is very nutritive, contains Amla which is iron rich and several medicinal herbs.

Supplement your daily meals with nutritious and flavourful additions, making your meals more enjoyable. Sanjeevanam’s Natural Health Mix is one such product that can integrate into your meal well. It contains the goodness of various grains and pulses, providing important nutrients fortify your body and build immunity. What’s more, it does not contain artificial colours or flavours and is 100% natural. You can add this to your porridge, rotis, or dishes like dosa and appam.

Aval Dosa – Gluten-free, savoury pancakes made with beaten rice

Aval or beaten rice or flattened rice or poha, is an easily digestible, filling, energy-rich food used in various forms, sweet or savoury. They are essentially rice flakes. Thickness of the flakes varies from very thin and translucent to thicker than a regular rice grain.

Aval is dry. So it needs to be slightly rehydrated before use. A sprinkle of milk or water can do the trick. Or, they can be used as is in dishes like chivda, or can be added straight into various batters prepared for dosa or idli or appams. Aval can be soaked and ground into milk to make a very refreshing drink. It can be easily incorporated into various snacks and meals. Aval makes for a light and quick snack, leaving you feeling full for a longer time. It can be stored long-term and does not require preserving.

Aval nanachath or Aval vilayichath are dishes from Kerala that use aval, coconut, sesame seeds, jaggery with other optional additions like dahlia and banana. They can be spiked with condiments and spices. Cardamom is the go-to spice for a fancier version of the same dishes. Dried ginger or cumin can sometimes be added to help digestion. This is a great snack when you need an energy boost. It is packed with carbs and protein and can be made in a jiffy. This can turn into a lunchbox favourite, as well.

Let’s have a go at Aval Dosa. This recipe makes a very easy dosa batter made of aval. The batter does not require the usual overnight fermentation — it can be used instantly — making this an easy breakfast option. This batter turns out soft, fluffy dosas that go very well with tomato or mint chutney.

Aval Dosa
Soaking time: 4 hours to 8 hours
Preparation time: 10 mins (to grind batter)

White Rice (or use the same variety you usually use for idlis) – 2 cups
Thick aval or poha – 1 cup
Fenugreek seeds – ½ teaspoon
Sour curds – 1 cup
Salt – To Taste
Baking Soda – ¼ teaspoon

Soak the washed rice and aval together in a large bowl with the fenugreek seeds, curds and 4 cups of water. Soak it for a minimum of 4-8 hours, for softer results.

Grind the rice, poha and fenugreek well. Reserve the liquid they were soaked in. Use the liquid as necessary while grinding to get the batter to fall in the consistency of regular dosa batter. Add salt and stir well.

Before making dosas with this batter, add baking soda and mix well. Your Aval Dosa batter is ready.

If you would like, you can order some Aval online, right away!


Chillies are very much associated with the Asian cuisine and the different Indian cuisines, where they have long been an integral part. They are believed to have originated in the American continents and were brought to Asia by the Portuguese. The chilly has now spread across the world and can be found in nearly every vegetable store.

Types of uses

Chillies contribute a lot of flavor and heat to the dishes they are used in. They are used in a variety of ways as well. Some people like to chop them up and use them straight. Some dry them before using or even powder, for a different sort of flavour. In the south of India, chillies are even dipped in curd and dried to make ‘thairmulaku’, which is popularly consumed along with buttermilk in the summers. In the Indian curries, it is common for chillies to be used in their powdered form.


Chillies are loaded with antioxidants which are very beneficial for our bodies. They also have the capsaicin, Vitamin C and carotenoids which may help regulate the body’s insulin levels. Chillies detoxify the body as well and causes the body to release endorphins upon consumption, making them pain killers. Chillies are also known to fight heart and lung diseases. Their entire known list of benefits is actually very long to list.

Melam chilly powder is made from the finest sun dried chillies and is one of those ingredients that you’d always want to have a stock of, at home. Its flavors blend seamlessly across cuisines and dishes and is a favorite of many Indian households. Buy it today and try it out, if you have not already!

Benefits of Indian Sandalwood in Medimix

The mesmerising, riveting, rejuvenating, woody, warm, sweet aroma of Sandalwood is one that is familiar to many an Indian. Traditionally used in sacred rituals and ceremonies, the use of sandalwood to purify, heal and calm continues widely even today.

The Santalum tree is a woody, semiparasitic tree with glossy green elliptical leaves. It is native to Southern parts of India, Australia (Sandalum spicatum), Sri Lanka, Hawaii, Indonesia, and few other places. While the Australian sandalwood tree oil is mainly used in perfumery, Indian Sandalwood, scientifically known as Santalum album, finds its use in medicines, skin applications, cosmetics, flavouring and aromatic products. It is called Chandana in Sanskrit. Indian Sandalwood is indigenous to the southern parts of India.

The tree grows to an average height of 30 feet and requires 30-60 years to mature for harvest.

The sandalwood oil is extracted from the heartwood through a distillation process — the older the tree, the stronger the fragrance. The oil’s main constituents are α- Santalol (alpha santalol), β – Santalol (Beta santalol), santyl acetate and santalenes. Alpha Santalol has many healing properties, while beta santalol is the reason for the strong fragrance. Different varieties of sandalwood have these constituents in different measures. Types, location, age of harvest and season of harvest — all these factors have an influence on the fragrance and therapeutic efficacy of the oil extracted.

Some of the therapeutic properties of Sandalwood oil are: anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, astringent, expectorant, sedative, diuretic, disinfectant, anti-microbial, aphrodisiac, antispasmodic, hypotensive, cicatrisant, regenerating, anti-phlogistic and emollient.

Skin and Hair: It improves skin tone, diminished blemishes and evens out complexion. It remedies problems like dryness, itching, flaking and wrinkling. It helps address body odour. Sandalwood oil repairs damaged cells, moisturises skin, eliminates toxins and smoothens the skin’s texture. It is used in acute dermatitis. Its anti-microbial property helps fight off some strains of bacteria and fungus. And for the same reason, is used in the treatment of dandruff. It is antiseptic and so, helps heal cuts, sores and burns. Sandalwood and Turmeric are used together as a paste in ceremonies running up to wedding as a beauty enhancer.

Calming and relaxing the mind: Sandalwood and its products are used in meditation and spiritual rituals due to its calming and reviving effects on the mind. Its sedative property helps relax your mind. It helps relieve panic attacks and nervous tension.

Relieves pain and inflammation: The anti-inflammatory property of Sandalwood treats inflammation in the whole body arising from fever, infections, wounds, venomous bites, insect bites, poisoning, etc.

Excellent diuretic: Sandalwood oil is used in treating bladder inflammation, cystitis, urethritis, etc.

Use in gynaecology: It helps treat menorrhagia, leucorrhea and vaginitis.

Use in psychiatry: In Ayurveda, Sandalwood is a constituent of many treatments directed at mental health. It is used to treat depression, psychosis, schizophrenia, speech problems, improving memory and concentration in conditions like autism, managing epilepsy, seizures, etc.

Medimix soaps and handwashes , widely popular in India, has for years brought the benefits of sandalwood to happy and satisfied users. They make sure that your basic grooming step — your daily bath — not just cleanses, but also brings you skincare therapy. Medimix’s Sandal and Eladi oil soap, which is traditionally handmade, brings excellent results in skincare, rejuvenates your senses, leaving you smelling heavenly. The sandal oil, along with the other medicinal herbs, effectively reduces dark spots, blemishes and pigmentation. Sandalwood’s moisturising effect helps keep your skin supple. With regular use, your skin stays fresh, clear, even-toned and glowing. Medimix’s Sandal Handwash draws on sandalwood’s antiseptic and antibacterial properties, working to kills germs, keeping you away from infection and smelling good.

Use of Amla in Ayurvedic Haircare

Haircare is inextricably tied up with Ayurveda. Hair health is an important aspect of beauty and grooming. Natural remedies are sought to ensure safe care. Ayurvedic studies on haircare are extensive and proven. Ayurveda suggests the use of various herbs, fruits, seeds, flowers, etc. in caring for your hair and remedying problems like hair fall, thinning, premature greying, dandruff, etc.

Amla, Shikhakai, Bhringaraj, Reetha, methi seeds, Brahmi, lemons, aloe vera, hibiscus, etc. are used in common remedies to treat hair problems and in self haircare. Of these, Amla is used widely for lustrous, healthy hair.

Amla or Amalaki (in Sanskrit) or Indian Gooseberry is an edible fruit that is rich in Vitamin C and anti-oxidants. The tannin, polyphenols and flavanoids it contains reduce free radicals in the body. It is used widely in Ayurveda as food and medicine. It has anti-ageing properties, rejuvenates the liver, reduces acidity, regulates metabolism, reduces blood sugar, builds immunity, promotes oral health and promotes hair health.

It is popular as a superfood for hair. Amla has been traditionally used in hair care for centuries. Amla can be used externally and internally.

Amla paste applied externally onto hair conditions it and makes it silky and glossy. Any deposits or build up on the hair get washed away, effectively polishing the hair. Amla incorporated into hair oil is popularly used to aid hair growth, fight hair fall and reduce or prevent premature greying. Amla mixed with Shikhakai can darken the hair naturally. Amla boosts hair volume and smoothens the hair texture. Amla can be used along with your regular henna routine to deepen the colour, condition hair and fight dandruff.

Amla is also taken internally to attain these results. As with any condition, treating it from within will ensure long-lasting results that can be maintained. Consuming Amla helps strengthen hair follicles, reduce scalp irritation, and promotes strong and healthy hair growth. Amla’s antibacterial and antimicrobial properties help reduce dandruff. Amla helps to deepen hair pigmentation making it naturally darker and this, in turn, also helps to make it appear thicker.

Amla can be taken in the form of fresh fruit, dried fruit, fresh juice, amla water or as dried powder. Amla can be cut up and juiced and stored in the fridge a little at a time. Fresh juice can be refrigerated for upto 3 days and a tablespoon of this taken daily. Dried amla can be soaked in water overnight, squeezed the next morning to extract the juice and consumed as amla water. Commercial juices are also available, with a shorter shelf life.

Amla powder is by far the most convenient medium currently available. Sanjeevanam Amla Powder is 100% natural, with no additives or preservatives. Since it does not contain artificial flavours or colours, you can consume it assured of its purity.

Ayurvedic therapeutic treatments at Sanjeevanam

Sanjeevanam offers a wide selection of Ayurvedic services and therapeutic procedures that promote wellness and offer natural solutions to several ailments. It draws on Ayurveda’s time tested, proven remedies that focus on your specific health problems and also, provide holistic solutions.

In addition to the following procedures, Sanjeevanam offers Pizhichil, Elakizhi, Shirovasthi, Udvarthanam, Abhyangam, Urovasthi, Netratharpanam and Panchakarma.


Shirodhara is an Ayurvedic therapeutic procedure that targets the wellness of the nervous system. The name Shirodhara is made of two words — ‘shiro’ meaning head and ‘dhara’ meaning a stream of liquid. A slow, steady stream of medicated liquids is poured in a steady stream on the forehead for a specified amount of time. Depending on the desired result, this procedure is done over a 2-3 week period. Healthy persons can also undergo this procedure to maintain wellness.

The head houses the brain and the sense organs. It controls the entire body and its well being. The medicated liquids are poured over the forehead or Ajna Marma where several nerves join. The falling liquid stimulates this point and creates positive vibration within. These vibrations are carried through sinuses and through the spinal fluid. Shirodhara aims to stimulate the nervous system, thus, relaxing the mind. A calm and healthy mind is key to overall wellbeing.

Persons who are under stress, fatigue and experiencing anxiety greatly benefit from Shirodhara. In conditions like post traumatic stress disorder, sleep disorder, insomnia, depression, hypertension Shirodhara can work wonders in alleviating difficulties experienced to a great extent.


Njavarakizhi or Shashtika Shali Pinda Shweta is a form of therapeutic massage. It improves muscle tone, rejuvenates skin and energises the body. Milk and Njavara rice is used in a poultice and applied externally over the body, inducing sweat. The whole body or specific parts of the body are targeted in this treatment. It provides relief from pain, swelling and stiffness associated with various conditions such as rheumatism, joint pain, etc. and also helps in conditions such as high blood pressure, cholesterol, fibromyalgia, etc. and some skin diseases. It is a proven treatment for musculoskeletal and neuromuscular diseases.

The rice used is very specific. Njavara is rice harvested in 60, hence the name Shashtika Shali (meaning ‘rice harvested in 60 days’). The rice is prepared with few herbs and milk and tied up in poultices. The Njavara poultices are dipped in medicated kashayam and pounded through out the body with regulated pressure in synchronised manner . It helps to strengthen muscles and joints and provide nutrition to the ailing tissues.

Conditions such as paralysis, various forms of spondylitis, paraplegia, frozen shoulder, emaciation and wasting diseases, breathing disorders, etc. can be treated with njavarakizhi.


Nasyam involves instilling medicated liquids and oils through the nostrils for a period of 7-14 days. It is one among the “ PANCHAKARMA TREATMENT “ . There are three types of Nasya treatment — purgatory, nourishing and palliative. Nasya is indicated in various conditions such as headache, migraine, ear-related problems, sinusitis, tonsillitis, illness of the throat, speech problem, eye disorders, dryness of nose/mouth, epilepsy, rhinitis, bronchitis, facial paralysis, etc.

Nasyam may be done with medicated oils or fats, or using medicated pastes/juices/decocotions, or using powders blown into the nose.

Nasyam is an excellent therapy for most of the health conditions above neck ( conditions like Migraine , Sinusitis , Facial palsy , Cervical spondylitis etc ) . It also provides good sleep, sense organs become sharper, clearer voice, etc.


Kativasti helps in the treatment of lower back pain. Lower back pain usually involved the muscles and bones of the lower back, including the spine. Kativasti is one of Ayurveda’s time tested and proven treatments for lower back pain and disorders of lumbosacral region including slip disc, lumbar spondylosis, sciatica, etc. It is a procedure that involves pooling of oil in a specific region of the lower back. Various types of oils are used depending on the condition the patient is suffering from. Sesame oil, bala oil, balaswagandhadhi oil, mahanarayan oil or nirgundi oil.

Once the cause of pain is identified, the treatment is begun with the right kinds of oil. Warm oil is pooled in the area afflicted with a ring specifically used for this purpose.

It is a cost effective and affordable non-invasive procedure that has seen great success in the treatment of various kinds of back problems. Depending on the ailment, you can avoid most surgeries suggested for your spine/back by undergoing kativasti.

In addition it improves spinal flexibility, relieves muscular tension, reduces soreness, and removes inflammation and tenderness in the affected area.

Healthy Habits for the Eyes

Our eyes are some most important organs that we have. They are very delicate and need all the care they can get. Alochaka Pitta is what the controls the eyes and as time progresses, it becomes less balanced and hence, care is required throughout our lives.

Good Practices

It is to be understood that using the eyes, or say when one is ‘looking’, there are always eye muscles at work in the eyes and just like any other muscle in our bodies, work causes strain. The key here is to understand it, while one is straining the eyes, so as to avoid prolonging the strain anymore. Here are some insights.

Close and far Objects

One should not ever be staring at distant objects for long. The gaze must be diverted often to avoid strain. This is to be observed when looking at objects that are very close as well and this is of particular interest, as most cases of nearsightedness or Myopia, are caused by watching TV up close. Ideally, it should be further away than 10 feet but should not be too far out either. The idea roughly is to avoid extremes.

Optimum Lighting

An everyday aspect we can control to help our eyes is the intensity of light in the rooms we are in. Too much of bright light hitting the eye can strain. Also, as it is often heard, one must never read in dim light or even in the bright sunshine. One must take care, when around reflective surfaces like water, and here again, like while watching TV, one must not stare for too long at anything that is up close or too far. The use of good quality sunglasses certainly does help screen out a lot of light.

Sleeping Enough

Sleep is another factor that has a lot of influence on the health of our eyes. Sleeping late in the nights and waking up for work early missing out on hours of sleep does not help the cause at all. It is very fair to say that the importance of sleep in eye care can never be over emphasized.

Food for the Eyes

We are what we eat. Ultimately, the very atoms that make up our food go around to make up our bodies as well, and hence, we may look at our diets as powerful tools that may be used to manage our bodies and everything in it.
As it is well known, Vitamin A is what your eyes need the most. Carrots are an excellent source for them. Sprouted chickpeas, apple, radish and leafy vegetables are all great for the eyes. Also, keep away from caffeinated beverages and increase your antioxidant intake. A coffee may seem comforting, but it actually dehydrates the body.

If you’d like to look for non-dehydrating beverages, our products like Ginger Coffee, Dhania Coffee are drinks that are caffeine free and are all natural and we hear often that they are very tasty! Dahashanthi, another product of ours, is a great option here if you are looking at something to drink throughout the day.

Ayurvedic Therapies

Netradhara and Netra tarpanam are rejuvenating therapies for the eyes that help strengthen the eye muscles, enhance the alochaka pitta, maintain the intra-ocular pressure, improve the vision and prevent cataract. To know more about these and about keeping your eyes in good health, please visit Sanjeevanam.

Is Warm Water Always Better than Cold Water?

Ayurveda has always advocated the use of warm water for our consumption. Warm water comes with a lot of benefits indeed and there are many amongst us who completely avoid drinking even slightly cold water on the warmest of days! But is that the best thing to do? Yes and No… But we’ll begin by telling why ‘Yes’.

Warm water is:

A pain reliever

Due to the increased blood flow in the body tissues, which is induced by the warm water, there is pain relief experienced. Menstruating women are known to put this aspect of warm water to use

An anti-inflammatory

Warm water soothes aggravated kapha helping reduce inflammations in the body.

A fighter against constipation

Warm water facilitates bowel movement by stimulating the blood flow to the intestines and this alleviates constipation.

A detoxifier

Warm water helps to get rid of the harmful toxins that have accumulated in our bodies. For this, warm water should be consumed early in the morning.

Aids digestion

Having a glass of warm water in the morning also kicks the metabolism into gear and this gets the digestive system going smoothly.

Does this mean cold water is never safe and you should stick to warm water always?

No. While warm water does come with a lot of benefits it doesn’t mean that you should never ever drink cold water. Cold water does indeed bring down the level of Agni, and it is not a very favourable thing for our bodies. However, when the body is warm in hot weather or from exercise or a strenuous physical activity, it is good to avoid warm water as the body is already heated up. In these contexts, it is safe to drink cold water(not chilled water, but water that is around room temperature) to bring down the body heat.

Our drink Dahashanthi can make your drinking water healthier and tastier. Read about it here

If you would like to know more about the benefits of drinking warm water, please feel free to get in touch with us.

Ghee- as food & medicine

Ayurveda is the most ancient, continuously practiced healthcare discipline in the world. In ancient ayurvedic literature, a number of references are available with regard to the testing of drugs and food on animals, for evaluating their safety, before administration on human beings; ensuring their wise use. As per Ayurveda,Ghee, specifically cow’s ghee, is something to be taken from Day One of human life. Though the quantity differs with every person, it is one among the 10 food substances mentioned in the classics as essential to be included in the diet. It is also an essential ingredient in any Ayurvedic formulation.

Nourishing the brain, Ayurvedically.

In the human body, a very large number of chemical reactions take place, every second, and the human brain is the centre of all the electrochemical activity. The brain uses up nutrients for its functioning and keeping the levels replenished would only mean better brain functioning. Instead of consuming these unnaturally in the form of man-made chemicals, it is best to source the nutrients as nature intended, for the best and here are 3 pointers towards it.

Dahashanthi, this summer!

What would you do when the summer hits you hard and you need to have more than the usual amount of water? You’d just drink plain water mostly, wouldn’t you? Now how about spiking this water with some wonderful ayurvedic herbs and spices? This would mean that you’d be drinking your regular drinking water as usual, but with each sip, a little bit of Ayurvedic goodness will be going into you, nourishing you and helping you re-hydrate even sooner than drinking plain water! We have such a product for you – you can consume it by boiling it with your drinking water. It is completely natural and imparts a wonderful hue as well! It is called Dahashanthi – the ideal summer drink.

Manage your body heat in Summer!

What you eat and what you drink can make all the difference to the way you feel and actually sets of a chain of chemical reactions in your body. Some of these chemicals are exothermic, causing heat to be released into the body whereas some, are endothermic and draw heat from the body. In the peak of the Indian summer, it becomes particularly important to adjust the diet so as to make the heat manageable.

The secret to good health lies in the tiny black pepper!

Black Pepper is the one spice that has always been referred to as the king of spices and is one which has a lot of health benefits that are not really well known. It is a common ingredient in the Indian, Thai, Chinese and Continental cuisines and no one ever seems to have soup without it! Here are some of the benefits of black pepper that you simply have to know!

Health benefits

Unlike black pepper’s most common companion salt, pepper is a diuretic. It does not favour water retention. It also stimulates the body to sweat more and hence is a positive agent towards detox as sweating aids the body’s waste disposal.

When black pepper is consumed, signals are sent to the stomach via the taste buds to increase the production of Hydrochloric acid. This extra acidity helps digest food better. This also prevents the formation of gases in the stomach.

Anti Anorexic

Pepper is excellent for those suffering from light anorexia as it restores hunger and also renews the taste buds. It is also popularly used against chest congestion by consuming it along with hot tea. Black pepper is a kitchen remedy too! It has the ability to clot blood and this application of black pepper relies on its anti-bacterial property.


Black pepper, along with long pepper and ginger, makes the herbal concoction called Trikatu, which is used in many Ayurvedic formulations. It is excellent for pacifying kapha and vatha. Black pepper also helps the transport of oxygen to the brain and maintains the health of the human respiratory system.

Get black pepper into your diet, if you haven’t already! Feel free to get in touch with us to know more about black pepper’s benefits.

Long pepper goes a long way!

Often referred to as Indian Pepper, Long Pepper is a vine that is cultivated for its spicy fruit. In contrast to the shorter Indian black pepper, this one tastes a lot hotter. The first mention of long pepper is in the ancient Ayurvedic texts where its many uses and benefits are well described.

The benefits

The benefits and uses would make a long list actually. It has been used in the treatment of asthma, water retention, diabetes, skin problems, digestive problems and many more. The mode of usage is direct – by consuming it via food. It can also be consumed with other ingredients. Long Pepper does wonders in the case of chronic bronchitis and Bronchial asthma. It is also the best immune modulator.
It has been proven that some chemicals extracted from long pepper have the power to help cure tuberculosis. Also, certain other chemicals extracted from it have proven to help with the expansion of the coronary arteries. Long Pepper powder is used to control the expansion of the spleen and can also cure piles, anemia and wet cough.

Benefits to the liver

A notable application of this wonderful ‘fruit’ is in the treatment of liver ailments. Long Pepper has been long known for its ability to protect the liver and can also manage liver toxicity and can keep jaundice away.

How can it be consumed?

Incorporating a sufficient amount of Long Pepper in the diet is the easiest way to go about it. Many love it for its hot flavor. A product of ours named ‘Herbs and Honey’ has Long Pepper as one of its ingredients. It tastes great and we’ve been only hearing good things about it from our customers. Order some today, if you haven’t had it already!
If you’d like to know more about Long Pepper’s benefits, please feel free to get in touch with us.

Jeerakam – Nature’s best tonic

According to Ayurveda, Cumin or Jeerakam is the one that can balance the 3 doshas. In India, Cumin has a history of more than 5000 years and it is one of those ingredients that is most commonly used, every day in Indian cuisine. Ayurveda also calls it nature’s best tonic and the word meaning of ‘Jeera’ in Sanskrit is ‘that which helps with digestion’.

Cardamom – Why it is called The Queen of Spices!

It attracts you with its lingering aroma. But what many do not know is that Cardamom is not just a flavouring agent but a wonderful spice with innumerable health benefits!

It is believed to have originated in the Indian subcontinent and has always been an important ingredient in Ayurveda and also traditional Chinese medicine.

It was believed to benefit the teeth and help ease gum and throat problems, lung congestion etc and was even used as an antidote for snake bites and other venomous bites.

Pathimugham, the blood purifier

It has found a place in revered Ayurvedic texts –the Ashtangahridayam, the Sahasrayogyam and the Dhanwantari Nikhandu. Surprisingly, Pathimugham, the tree with wonderful medicinal properties and magical healing powers has never been in the media eye!

Pathimugham, or East Indian Rosewood, is a medicinal tree also used to make natural dye. The hard, heart wood of the tree is the medicinal part and when boiled with water, it disinfects it. When you drink it, it offers a host of healing benefits!

Pathimugham the blood purifier

Balancing the Agni of Digestion and staying healthy!

Ayurveda believes that good digestion is the basis of good health. Imbalances in Agni, the digestive fire, cause imbalances in health. Agni is also the fifth element – one of the 5 building blocks of the universe and the centre of awareness, intelligence and nutrition in the human body.

Every morsel we eat nourishes the Agni. An improper Agni could lead to accumulation of toxins and poor health.

But you can set things right with some simple lifestyle changes.

Staying Healthy this winter

It is winter! We in South India welcome this season of the year joyously. This time of the year, we get a respite from the scorching sun and get to enjoy misty mornings and shorter days.

As much as winters are blissful, we need to understand that this weather is also the reason for various illnesses. In the south, our bodies are not geared for this.

But there is good news! Ayurveda believes that winter is the best time to build our immunity. A simple, sensible diet can actually build immunity and help us enjoy this beautiful season without a care!

The Dangers of Table sugar or Sucrose

In this modern world, some of the substances that are perilous to the human body usually hide in plain sight. The use of some of these substances are almost the way of life in the present day and hardly seem suspicious. Sucrose, what is commonly known as table sugar is one such substance and poses a great number of health risks to the human body!

Arthritis and Ginger

Arthritis is actually an inflammation of the joints, which involves abrasion of the bones directly onto each other without a layer of cartilage in between as a cushion. The word ‘itis’ means inflammation. There are over a hundred types of arthritis that have been defined and all of them involve an inflammation.

The Importance of breathing Right – Pranayama

Pranayama means the regulation of the breath through certain techniques and exercises practised in Yoga. Breathing is one thing all of us do and it is only natural for us not to pay any particular attention to this process, which we never usually do right as well, our entire lives! We breathe in and out about 20,000 times each day and if done right, it can improve one’s mental and physical well-being.

Aloe Vera- A Natural Healer

Aloe Vera (Kattaar Vazhai) had always been a part of folk medicine in our lands. The healing powers of this plant were well known too throughout history and had been recognized by the ancient Indian, Roman and Chinese civilizations. The Egyptians went on as far as to call it ‘the plant of immortality!

Timeless Thulasi

The Thulasi plant has always been a quintessential part of life in south India. Traditionally, it always was there right in front of residences and had a reserved spot with its own unique architecture – called the ‘Thulasi Thara’. It was there to greet everyone on their way into or out of the house. This aromatic herb is a beautiful one too; the bluish stems contrasting with its unusual shade of green makes it stand apart! Thulasi has a very significant place amongst many religious practices and in some parts of the world, it is known as Holy Basil.

The Powers of Dhania

Dhania is known as Cilantro, the world over. The herb looks very unassuming but is actually a powerful one; loaded with micronutrients and nutritional elements, contains dietary fibre, vitamins and also minerals like calcium, magnesium, potassium and sodium.

Ragi – Nutrition and Benefits

The scientists have named it Eleusine Coracana. Some call it the red millet, the African finger millet, Caracan millet and many other names. In India, it is widely known as ‘Ragi’ and it is known to have been cultivated at Hallur in Karnataka, way back in the Iron Age! Ragi is still the staple food of the state of Karnataka and is consumed in the form of many dishes. The harvested millets are known for their exceptional traits that aid in their storage. They are seldom attacked by molds or insects and makes it an important crop in the risk avoidance strategy of traditional farmers.

Aval, the Nutritious!

Aval, our humble cereal, has been around for ages. It is often described as flattened rice or light dry flakes of rice. Apart from being readily available, Aval is a digestible raw form of rice that absorbs liquids and swells up, much to the delight of those who eat it!

Why we love Ginger and you should too!

Ginger the underground stem – looks very unassuming if you were to just look at it. Very unremarkable in the looks department; doesn’t really proclaim its glory visually like the apple or orange. Absolutely no revealing visual clues of its powers! Also, it is certainly not the kind of underground stem-like potato or yam which you could cook and consume a whole lot of. This one, demands its respect. Ginger is but a disguised, compact medicine kit, straight from nature! It has been tested over time by the Indian households who have been using it as a home remedy for innumerable situations (a long list actually) from colic to motion sickness and what not! It has always been the grandma remedy for the grandkids’ cold and flu. Let us see what this enchanted underground stem is all about.

The Truth about Bran Rice

Bran rice has been around for ages. It has been consumed in the Indian villages for centuries but yet, it is quite a new product in the commercial market of the present times. It was always something that was common in south India. Recently, bran rice has drawn in a lot of interest as modern studies revealed its benefits. Bran rice was but always just a way of life in south India, an unsung hero!

Health Benefits of Dates

The Date is the fruit of the Date palm tree. Humans and dates go way back in history. They are supposed to have been cultivated as early as 4000 BC and has been the staple food in middle east for thousands of years. Currently, Egypt is the leading producer of dates in the world. In the Ayurveda, the date is referred to as ‘Kharjura’ and is mentioned under the category of ‘Madhuthrayam’ – three predominant drugs which are extensively sweet in nature.

Should you avoid Caffeine?

Coffee, is said to be the most popular drink in the world and owes it to Caffeine, an alkaloid that is present in it, which is also found in tea and many other natural sources like nuts and cocoa. Its action when consumed by us humans is of that of a stimulant’s – particularly on the central nervous system. The perceived effects are a sense of wakefulness and an increased sense of mental activity – just the things that make it attractive to millions around the world to help them wake up each day. The Americans drink the most coffee in the world but in India, tea has been the favourite all the while, which of course has caffeine, but in lesser concentration.

What happens when you drink it?

Upon consumption, Caffeine is rapidly spread throughout the water in the body in about an hour’s time. It stimulates the heart muscles and relaxes the smooth muscles, increases the excitability of the neurons present in the central nervous system, has diuretic properties, increases the blood plasma glucose and stimulates gastric acid secretions. These result in those perceived sense of wakefulness and increased concentration which of course, is quite fair to assume that everyone reading this knows already knows about.

Pain Management

Pain is a feeling triggered in the nervous system. Pain may be sharp or dull. It may come and go, or it may be constant. You may feel pain in one area of your body or you may feel pain all over. It can be even a deviation from your mental wellbeing. Pain can be helpful in diagnosing a problem. Pain must be relieved by taking care of the problem or cause of the disease rather than mere suppressing it. However, sometimes pain goes on for weeks, months or even years. Sometimes chronic pain is due to an ongoing cause, such as cancer or arthritis. Sometimes the cause is unknown. Fortunately, there are many ways to treat pain. Treatment varies depending on the cause of pain. We advocate pain relieving herbal drugs, special Ayurvedic treatment and sometimes surgery which will be referred.

Sanjeevanam Medical Camp for Women

In spite of the best facilities and medicine available in modern health care, debility, weakness and many painful and disturbing health issues prevail in society. Though many health related programs are implemented to improve the health of people especially for women, the problem still remains obscure. Physical, mental and spiritual well being especially of the women is very essential for a healthy, sound community and for the forthcoming generations.

Ways to counter a sluggish digestion

Digestive system is one of the most essential and vital parts of the body and for the entire body to work well, the digestive system must function well. The entire metabolism depends highly on the digestive system and its improper function may lead to various health related problems.
As we know, digestion actually begins in the mouth when we chew; here are few suggestions on eating habits to improve the digestion.

Do Vegetarian diets make us lose nutrition?

Vegetarian diets can be healthful and nutritionally sound if they’re carefully planned to include essential nutrients. However, a vegetarian diet can be unhealthy if it contains too many calories and/or saturated fat and not enough important nutrients. Any type of vegetarian diet should include a wide variety of foods and enough calories to meet your energy needs.

Nutrients to consider in a vegetarian diet:

Protein: Plant proteins alone can provide enough of the essential and non-essential amino acids, as long as sources of dietary protein are varied and caloric intake is high enough to meet energy needs. Whole grains, legumes, vegetables, seeds and nuts all contain both essential and non-essential amino acids. Soy protein has been shown to be equal to proteins of animal origin. It can be your sole protein source if you choose.

Vitamin-B complex: Focusing on protein diet alone cannot be sufficient for a healthy body. Vitamin B-complex is required to release energy from proteins. They play a major role in nerve function, for a healthy skin & hair and also to enhance memory.
Source: Milk & Milk products, cereals, legumes like peas & lentils, mushroom etc.

Iron: Vegetarians may have a greater risk of iron deficiency than non vegetarians. However, dried beans, spinach and dried fruits are all good plant sources of iron.

Calcium: Studies show that vegetarians absorb and retain more calcium from foods than non vegetarians do. Vegetable greens such as okra ,spinach, kale and broccoli, and some legumes and soybean products, are good sources of calcium from plants.
Nuts like almond , walnut , sesame seeds are rich source of Calcium.

Zinc: Zinc is needed for growth and development. Good plant sources include grains, nuts and legumes.

Fight the common cold naturally

Chukku Kappi or Dry Ginger coffee is a spicy and sweet traditional South Indian beverage. A very good remedy for cold, its rich aroma opens nasal blocks and provides relief from throat infections and fever too. The main ingredient of Chukku Kappi is Chukku or Dry Ginger. Ginger is used in almost all the Ayurvedic medicines due to its digestive and carminative properties. The Sanjeevanam Ginger coffee is a soothing drink that contains Dry Ginger, Pepper and Thippili. This aromatic beverage is caffeine free and therefore completely healthy.

Palm Candy

Palm Candy (In Tamil- “Panakarkandu”) is  produced from the sweet “Neera” from Palmyra.

Palm Candy is a nutrient rich, Low Glycemic Crystalline sweetener; it is completely natural.

It has a number of minerals, vitamins, calcium, iron& phyto nutrients including zinc and potassium.

Herbs ‘n’ Honey

Honey by itself, is an immunity booster. It helps in alleviating constipation, anemia, improves digestion and reduces body weight. A peculiar character of Honey is that it imbibes in itself the character of the medicine / herb it is processed with, thereby increasing its efficacy.

The choice of herbs in Sanjeevanam Herbs ‘n’ Honey was done by keeping in view a larger beneficiary group. According to Ayurveda, diseases originate due to improper digestion. The combination of these selective herbs improves the digestion and at the end of the day, results in a stronger immune system.


Dates are dry soft fruits with a sweet and delicious taste, contain ample amount of Iron for improving blood, fiber for roughage, vitamin A for the eyes, potassium for the heart, glucose, sucrose and fructose for boosting energy levels, selenium, manganese, copper and magnesium for strengthening bones  and contain B-vitamins and tannins. These are just a few of the many nutrients in dates, making them one of the healthiest foods in the world.

Navara Rice

Navara, a special cereal, has equal importance in food and curative purposes. It has the properties to rectify the basic ills affecting the circulatory, respiratory as well as the digestive system.

Black glumed Njavara has been used in Ayurveda treatment from the age of Charaka – ie. BC 600.

Pure Honey

Honey, the sweet, golden liquid produced by bees from the nectar of flowers in its purest form.

Commonly honey is used as a natural sweetener in many parts of the world. It is also used either with warm water or lemon juice to reduce weight. It scrapes out the excessive sputum, smoothens the inflamed mucus membrane of the upper respiratory tract and thereby retrieves irritating cough. Honey, along with other Ayurvedic medicines is used to alleviate cough & asthma.

Thulasi Coffee-Holy Beverage


Sanjeevanam Thulasi Coffee has a unique formulation, blended with multiple herbs and natural spices that helps to prevent various respiratory system illnesses.

Thulasi being top on the list with major part of it is believed to be auspicious with its medicinal aura. Thulasi called as Holy Basil due to its auspicious properties. Thulasi is considered as important herb due to its adoptogenic property which is very important to balance difference systemic processes in our body. Thulasi extract gives strong aroma and due to its astringent taste it gives strong positive impact on health when consumed in different modes.

Ginger Coffee as natural beverage

Ginger is a common rhizome available widely in India and it has classical references for its better use in Ayurvedic formulations. Basically, it is used in a wet form in culinary purposes; however it is used in the dry powder form for various medicinal purposes. Ginger is said to be quite effective in digestive system disorders and it is even called as Baishajya for that matter as it acts as medicine. The extract of ginger like Zingerone is useful to promote digestion and to prevent gastric related disorders like diarrhea, irritable bowel syndrome, flatulence, indigestion etc.

Sanjeevanam Bran rice

Rice bran along with the germ is an inherent part of whole grain which is produced as a by-product of white rice processing. It consists of phytonutrients like oryzanols, tocopherols, tocotrienols, phytosterols and importantly dietary fibers. It offers various health benefits due to its content of antioxidants, vitamin E, B vitamins, and essential fatty acids. Rice bran is naturally lactose-free, gluten-free and hypoallergenic, making it a tolerable health product.

Dhania Coffee – A Good Detoxifier

Dhania’s Latin name is Coriandrum Sativum and it derives from the same family as cumin.Coriander is a source of Vitamins B, C, & K, phosphorus, calcium, magnesium, iron, phytonutrients, and flavonoids. In Ayurveda, the rasa or initial taste of coriander is astringent.

It then creates a sweet taste as it’s digested. Coriander is fine for all three Ayurvedic body types to use and it does not provoke Pitta, unlike many other spices. In ayurveda it is especially indicated in treating Pitta aggravation. The consumption of Dhania in the form of choorna or Decoction will effectively reduce the cholesterol level in the blood and also reduces the deposition along the inner walls of the veins and arteries.

Amla powder is good for weight loss

Amla, Scientifically called as Emblica Officinalis  is widely available in India and used for preparing many ayurvedic formulations, and widely used as supplements and culinary purposes. Due to its potency and medicinal qualities, Amla which is used in powder form is very useful in various health issues. Among multiple qualities and pharmacological properties, Amla Powder is predominant in Antioxidant, Hypolipidaemic, Antiartherosclerotic, Antifunal, and Antiinflammatory properties.Hence it is used in various health issues like digestive disorders, to promote weight loss in obesity individuals, and various skin disorders, and even to prevent hair fall.